Chapter 29

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This is trash
Not going to lie
This is just so bad I even thought of not posting it
I'm sorry this is so bad
I'm running out of ideas and this might end soon
If you have any ideas you want to pitch to me please dm me.
Enjoy I guess idek

James' POV

"Alright James, today is your last day here but you will still have to do physical therapy." The doctor tells me, hitting a button on my bed making it sit up. I didn't tell anyone I was getting out early. I may have lied about my pain scale to get out of here early. Do you blame me? It sucks. I swung my legs over the side slowly gettin off the bed. The pressure from my weight on my hip makes me wince and tense. I don't mind it though. I've been in here for a little over a week. I can't stand it anymore. I limp over out the door and head to the front desk to get my pain killers and a new inhaler. I again, limp out the door and the cold breeze hits my face. I sigh contently. My chest and breathing is way better since I haven't been able to put a binder on. The bruises were yellow, healing. I call an Uber to take me to the hair salon. I get my hair cut back to how it was. I actually asked for something to be added though. A design in the side of my head that was a rose.

I left there, and took an Uber to the dorms

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I left there, and took an Uber to the dorms. I smiled, looking up at the building as I got out. I limp into the building with a smile on my face. I get into the elevator and click my floor. Once I get to my door, I hear several voices, including Thomas'. I quietly put my key in the door, and turn the knob. In there I saw almost the entire gang. All laughing at something another had said. Nobody noticed me walking in. Mae started laughing so hard, the milk she was drinking shot out of her nose. Making everyone laugh harder. I stifle a laugh, and take a few limped steps forward. I slam the door shut, getting everyone's attention.

"What'd I Miss?" I ask. Peggy jumps up from her squished spot on the couch.

"JJ!" She screams. I laugh. Everyone gets up and walks over to me, I put my arms out into front of me to make sure nobody hugs me.

"Hey babe! I thought you weren't supposed to get out until next week?" Thomas says, confused. I giggle.

"I got out early."

"Woah, look at his hair.." Herc admires, noticing the design in the side of my head. I turn my head to the side, showing it off. Earning 'oos' from Everyone. Thomas comes around me and wraps his arm gently around me. I tense up a bit from the pain that shot through my body. Thomas kissed my temple.

"Come on guys, let's leave these amoureux alone." Laf says with a wink. Everyone giggles as my face heats up. Everyone leaves, Peggy hugging me gently before walking with her sisters. I close the door and lock it, Thomas had sat on the couch. This might hurt but whatever.. I walk over to Thomas, and sit on his lap straddling him. He raises an eyebrow at me, with a small smile creeping on his face. My hip burned but I didn't care.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now