Chapter 22

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(Vent drawing are the best aren't they? I've been doing them a lot lately. Ugh. People are stupid sometimes...)

James' POV [indirect]

"J-James? I don't think this is a good idea.." Mae says to James, who is pushing him down the hall. James was trying to get Mae and Eliza to get together, but they can't when Eliza doesn't even know him!

"She'll Love you Mae! I know it! Give it a chance." James argues as they go through the open doors of the cafeteria room. Mae was shaking slightly, nervously gripping his book. Mae took a deep breath and walked with James to their lunch table.

"Hey guys!" James greets with a smile. He's also greeted with mixed greeting.

"This is my friend Mae." James introduced, moving away so he could be seen. Mae tenses up and gave a small wave. Mae's eyes went wide when he realized the only available seat besides the one next to Thomas was next to Eliza. He took in a shaky breath and sat down. James sat next to Mae and Thomas. Thomas leans over and kisses James' temple gently.

"How have your classes been baby?" He asks James politely. James' cheeks heated up as he giggled. Ignoring the tiny squeals from Peggy and Lafayette.

"They've been good." James tells him. James leans his head on Thomas, holding his sketch pad to his chest rather tightly.

"Awww..." Alex gushes from across the table. James and Thomas roll their eyes. John smiled and lightly punched his boyfriend. James ignored most conversation and looked around the table. He looked over to his sisters. Angelica and Peggy chatting amongst themselves. James could practically see the hearts in Eliza's eyes while she talked to Mae. Mae making gestures with her hands as she talked. James smiles and nuzzles into Thomas' arm more. Thomas chuckles and holds James' hand under the table. James smiled softly.

"Jasmine!" James hears a voice call from behind him. James tenses up and squeezes Thomas' hand gently. Thomas gives a gentle squeeze back.

"Go away Reynolds." John demands, standing up from the table. James turns his head and sees Reynolds there with a smirk. Reynolds laughs.

"Or what?" He asks John. John takes a deep breath and walks to the wall next to the lunch line. He leans on the wall and crosses his arms. Reynolds scoffs and pushes Mae off the seat. Mae falls, and Eliza catches her. They're both left with red faces. Thomas growls and wraps an arm protectively around his boyfriend. James leaned into Thomas for more protection, nearly falling off his seat.

"So, Jamey, how did you enjoy what I gave to you? Wasn't it grand?" He says, smirking. I shake my head and look away from him.

"Awe, c'mon baby, don't be like that.." he purrs smoothly, rubbing James arm as I he was comforting him. James cheeks heated up but he hid it in Thomas' shirt. Thomas smacked Reynolds' hand away. A cold rush runs up James' arm, making him shiver.

"Call him that again, and you're dead." Thomas growls.

"Thomas don't..!" John starts, while trying to come over to the table, but he cuts himself off and resists. Going back to lean on the wall.

"Oh yeah?" Reynolds taunts. James squeezed Thomas' hand again. James felt weak, the arm Reynolds had touched felt numb and cold. James never like fighting, but he did know it had to be done sometimes. He disliked verbal fights even more. Reynolds pulls a dagger from his arm and twiddles it around his fingers. The table goes silent. James could feel the tension and could sense that Thomas' eyes were black with fury. Reynolds start to point at people with his knife. That glowed a bright yellowish-white.

"Let's see.."

He points at Laf then shakes his head.

"Who should I.."

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