Chapter 2

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Madison's P.O.V.

  "Alright we're here now get out You disappointment." My mother screams, while throwing my suitcase out the window. I sighed and got out of the car, she drove off fast, almost running over my foot. I picked up my suitcase from the ground. I despise my parents. They've always expected the best from me. It's not my fault my powers don't work. I'm useless, and I know that, but people don't have to point it out 24/7. I roll my suitcase inside of the tall building that holds all the dorms. I was quite early, my mother was in a rush to get rid of me. I asked for my room number and went up to my dorm. It looked really plain, but it'll do. I have a roommate named Thomas Jefferson, and I'm really nervous. What if he's a snobby, light magic dude or something? Or maybe he has dark magic or something. He can't though, this is a light magics school. I sigh and pick a bedroom, and start to set stuff up. Maybe I'll talk to Peggy later. Peggy is my best friend, she never judged me for my powers not working. She has quick math and touch as powers. The quick math just makes her really fast at math, but I really love her other ability. When she touches someone, she can read their mind, sense their emotion, and attack someone's mind if she wanted. She rarely does that though, only to protect people. Thing thing is, with that strength in one power, she can hear over loads of faint whispers in her ears, making it loud, and she constantly gets headaches. It only happens when she's around a lot of people, she can hear the whispers and feel a certain emotion of a person. She's working on controlling that, but I feel bad that she has to go to a big school and deal with that. She wears clothes that cover her skin a lot just in case someone touches her by accident. She gets an unbearable headache when she uses her power too much, and constantly has hearing aids in her ears, or ear buds (for music), to drown out the sound of whispers. Her tattoo is a series of wavy lines, with the shape of a ear in the center, she despises it. She has two sisters too. One of her sisters is named Elizabeth, but we call her Liza or Eliza. She has taste and light. Not to get her light magic confused with the most powerful and rare light magic. Pure light magic is extremely rare, and often people who have it lose it. Eliza's comes from her eyes, she wears sunglasses a lot of the time to cover her eyes. Her eyes can change color and they look like a cat, and she's really sensitive to the sun. When I say sensitive, she lost her vision for a week when she lost her sunglasses once. Her other ability is to taste other people's magic. It's weird, but everyone's magic has a different taste to her. She can taste different emotions too. Like fear tastes like copper, anger tastes bitter, sadness tastes like salt etc. her tattoo is very pretty. Wavy lines and a picture of a detailed sun in the center. Angelica doesn't have that interesting of powers, we call her Angie. She has invisibility and X-ray. Invisibility is self explanatory, her weakness with that is it makes her ear bleed, making her noticeable when she is invisible. The X-ray ability lets her see internal and external injuries, and heal them. It just makes her weak when she does it. Her tattoo has neat lines with what looks like sunglasses in the center. I sigh and sit on my bed, I had finished putting all my items, which wasn't much, into their spots. I look at my tattoo. I don't have powers, but I have a tattoo. I'm just broken I guess, nothing special about me. My parents hate me for it, they both have dark magic. So when I was born with good magics, they thought I was going to do big things, but I'm nothing important. My tattoo has elegant lines, that look like stems. In the center is a detailed rose, without a stem though. And there are no thorns on the stem like shapes. My thoughts are I "Umm... Hello?" I hear a male voice from outside the door. Must be my roommate. I get up from my bed almost falling and I open the door. I see a tall man with puffy hair that was black. He had scruff across his face and was tan. He was kinda cute to be honest. "Oh... um.. h-hi.." i day in almost a whisper. Great, now he probably thinks I'm a shy freak or something. "I assume you're James Madison. I'm Thomas Jefferson. Apparently we're dorm mates" he says quickly with a shrug. "Y-yeah... nice to meet you Thomas..." I say shyly. Way to make a fool of yourself. I suddenly get a headache. I strong one too. I panic and go back into my room. I slide down the door, my heart is racing and my breathing is increasing. My arm burns, I look at it and my tattoo is flickering light. God I hate my "power". I groan and pull my knees to my chest and take deep breaths. This is going to be a loooonnnnggggggg year...

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now