Chapter 34 (jesus...)

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(^^The death glare...)

Peggy's POV

  "What.. I... um..." I stuttered as I looked at the baby bump on Maria's stomach. She looked down nervously.

"Um... surprise..?"

"Maria... babe.. sweetheart..." I said sweetly. I took a deep breath.

"WHAT THE HEL*??" I screamed. She flinched and winced.

"We'll give you two some space. We'll come back tomorrow if they let us. By PegLeg.. we love you.." I hug them and they leave. I lock the door and pulled Maria to my bed and sat down next to her.

"Maria, how did you get pre-." I stop when she broke down in tears and covered her face with her hands. My eyes go wide and I rub her back.

"Shh... it's okay now.. I'm here.." I whisper to her, while rubbing circles on her back. She took a deep breath and sniffed..

"I-I'm sorry I left you.. I didn't w-want to.. I had t-to and now this happened.." Maria gestured to my wrists. Guilt rose to my stomach like a flooding basement.

"Oh, Maria..." I said and hugged her. She cried and hugged me back.

"I'm here and everything's okay..." I mumbled to her, blinking away my own tears. I felt guilty and upset..

But still..
Something in my heart said I didn't deserve to be alive...
Now I'm causing more pain...
What hurts more is that my brother
My best friend
The one I'm always there for..
Hasn't even bothered to try and text me..
Does he not care?
He's just too occupied with Thomas..
What happened to Family before friends?
Even if he is your boyfriend...

"My brother raped me..." Maria said suddenly. My eyes go wide and I pull away and look at her.


She began to cry more. I kiss her forehead and rub her shoulders to try and calm her down.

"He took me to France so he wouldn't get caught... He raped me when I didn't agree to hurt you or James.. he pinned me against the w-wall a-and... I'm s-so sorry.. I-I cheated on y-You..."

"No no no no no no sweetheart.. you didn't want to... you didn't cheat on me hun..." I tried to reassure her. She cried into my shoulder.

"When he found out he got me pregnant he made us move to France to make sure I didn't tell anyone we knew... he has a Criminal record in America as well so if I told anyone the police would have believed me.." Maria mumbled. I wiped some of her tears. I smile softly at her making her smile. I look down at the small bump on her belly. I couldn't help bu smile, not thinking of how it got there. I placed my hands on either side of her stomach and held her stomach.

"How many months?" I asked gently. She smiled a bit and placed her hands on mine.

"About 3 And a half.." Maria chuckled weakly.

"And we always talked about you being the one pregnant if we had a child..." she teased me. My cheeks heated up and I smacked her arm lightly.

"Sh-Shush!" She laughed at my reaction and kissed my nose. She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me closer by my lower back. I wrap my arms around her neck lazily.

"I missed you..." she whispered against the skin of my neck. I felt a shock go through me and my mind start racing. I wince and tense. I squint my eyes to try and control my power. I swore under my breath and took deep breaths..

But then...
It stopped...

I looked at Maria amazed by myself. She looks at me concerned and confused. I take off my glove and look up at her. My hand shook slightly and I cupped her face gently.

I didn't hear the small screams..

Breaths of relief fall from my mouth with I laughed a bit while smiling.

"Hun, don't hurt yourself.."

"They're gone.."


"The voices... I don't hear them.." I tell her while smiling. Her eyes widen and she smiles. She nuzzles her face into the palm of my hand. I blush and smile. I hug her tightly...

from the simplest things...
I've missed that...

James' POV

  After the small delay of Thomas having to get glasses, we were on the road again.

Right now we're in a hotel in Texas because Alexander is a stubborn brat and stopped us. He claims to be too tired to stay cooped up in the car for another hour or longer. John and Alex are sharing a room, Mae and Julia are sharing, Thomas and I, and Laf and Herc. We gathered up the stuff we needed. Thomas was getting ready for bed and I was standing on the balcony. I took in the view.. it was fantastic. A smile on my face. The sky lit up by all the beautiful stars. I sighed happily. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket.

[One message from 'Lizzy 😎']

I smile. I open my phone up.

Lizzy 😎- Hey Bro..

LittleBro🌹- Hey Liz! What's up?

Lizzy 😎- There's been... something I've been meaning to tell you.. the guilt has gotten to me badly. Angelica is asleep right now and I just couldn't hold back. She told me not to tell you yet and to let her tell you or call you but I knew you would be busy. You guys should be in Texas and, I'm rambling, I'm sorry...

LittleBro🌹- Woah woah.. slow down. What happened?

Lizzy😎- I...

LittleBro🌹- ???

Lizzy😎- James...

Lizzy😎- When you left.. the day you left.. did you.. have you tried to contact Peggy?

LittleBro🌹- No, why?

Lizzy😎- James um...

LittleBro🌹- Please just tell me.. did something happen?

Lizzy😎- The day you left...

Lizzy😎- James, that night, Peggy tried to commit suicide... she's in a mental hospital...

LittleBro🌹- Wait.....

LittleBro🌹- What..?

Stay strange
Stay positive
Stay you!

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