Chapter 24

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James' POV

"JJ!!!!!" Peggy screamed as she ran into my arms, tackling me in a hug. We both laugh, out books and papers scattered everywhere now across the hallway.

"Are you guys okay??" Mae calls from behind us, running with Eliza by her side. Mae had an odd yet creative way to show what gender she was feeling. She's known for her infamous red jacket. When she feels feminine, she'll wear the jacket, with it zipped up halfway showing some of her shirt. When she feels in between (they/them) they wear a beanie, a black tank top, and of course the red jacket. It lays lazily around her arms when she feels that way. When she feels more masculine, the hoodie is tied around her waist, she has a binder one, she puts on her glasses instead of contacts, and she wears a beanie. She does have the power of touch, but it's not even close to as sensitive as Peggy's. She passes really well. But what really got my attention, is that Mae and Eliza.. were holding hands... I smirk up at Eliza and she just adjusts her sunglasses awkwardly, red tinting her face. Mae seemed unfazed by it. Peggy gets up from Angelica helping her up from the ground and picks up all of our stuff. I get up after her. I suddenly feel arms wrap around my shoulders. I look up and see Thomas slinging his arms around me lazily. I smile up at him.

"Sorry I didn't walk with ya babe. I was with Lafayette." He tells me, kissing the top of my head. Mae and Peggy 'aww' at the sight.


"REYNOLDS YOU BITCH GET OFF OF ME!!" I hear a female voice yell. I hear stomping coming from around the corner of the hall.

"Awe, c'mon ya slut." He says. The girl turns the corner and almost runs into us, but she backs away. Almost like she knew we were there. She wore a black beanie that had a green strip across it and a tank top. A red flannel tied across her waist. Reynolds rounds the corner, going after her. We watch it happen.

"Ya wanna call me that again?" She taunts, crossing her arms. I actually noticed she wore a binder.. so they/them?

"Sure, ya slut." Reynolds repeats himself with a smirk.

"Oh I'm sorry! I thought you were just listing off your endless list of names that you are! I guess you were, we might be here for hours though!" They fires back. I can't help but grin. Reynolds scoffs and rolls his eyes, glancing over at me. They flips some of her short red hair out of their face.

"Hey Jasmine! How's it going? Oh! Thomas has a boy toy now??" He immediately insults us. Thomas opened his mouth to say something, but they cut him off.

"Haha! That's great how you say he's a boy toy. How many of those do you have again? I lost count around 15." They say with fake sweetness. I stifle a laugh, Reynolds snaps his head towards me, glaring.

"Raina, you're so ridiculous. Such an ugly faggot. You shouldn't even be in a light magic schools!" Reynolds says. She rolls her eyes once again. Wait... so they don't have light magic..?

"Black Magic is perfect the way it is, and stronger ya bitch. I'm an ugly faggot! Oh that's great! I was trying to get your look down and apparently it's working pretty well! No one can master that though." They snap sassily, while cringing at Reynolds look. Reynolds stuttered then growled and stomped away. They turn towards our group. I now clearly see their dark tattoo on their collarbone near their right shoulder. An eye that looked like it had a radar wave coming off of it. They smirk at us.

(Reynolds Pamphlet voice) "Damn.." Thomas says from above me. I smack his side playfully.

"Jesus, I know I'm a sight for sore eyes but y'all don't have to stare." They remark. A few of us giggle from the group. They look over our group and their eyes land on Angelica. They look Angie up and down and smirk again.

"Hey, ya okay kid?" They ask, gesturing towards me. I smile and nod my head. She smirks back.

"You guys know Reynolds, he's a grade A biotch!" They say, making us all laugh. I nod my head agreeing.

"Black magic, huh?" Thomas asked suddenly. Raina nods with pride, and leans against the lockers they were next to. Their thin, tall body almost looked like a skeleton to be honest. They are very thin and it's like you could see their bone structure.

"One and only Dark magic user in this school.." they say, looking at her black painted fingernails. I look up at Thomas and he has a smile from ear to ear across his face. I mean, I would be happy if I finally found someone with the same power as me. Again though, I don't know what my power is. Thomas has pure black magic, 90% of his power is pure black magic which is really rare. I still love him though. Thomas sends a black silhouette onto their shoulder. They're startled by it, but look at it confused.

"Waiittt... who..?" They look around our group, trying to see who sent the silhouette that was dark. We all look at Thomas, who's still has a big smile on his face.

"You're not the only one with black magic, don't feel so special." Thomas teases. Raina smiles brightly for a second, but they shake it off. The first bell rings.

"Well, lets hope to see you idiots later." They say, before walking off smoothly.

"Holy shit I'm gay..." I hear Angelica whisper actually quite loudly. Apparently all of us heard it because we all gave her a very confused/shocked looked.

"I thought you were aro??" Eliza asks, very confused. Mae's arm was now slung across Eliza's shoulders.

"They just knocked the aro right out of me..." Angelica mumbles, still wide eyed. Amazed by her own discovery. Students flood into the hallway we were in and we all go our deprecate ways. Thomas walks me to my class. Before he leaves and take a deep breath and grab his hand. He turns and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Is something wr-.."

I cut him off.

"I love you." I tell him with a hot face. He seems shocked at first but smiles.

"I love you too." He says, before kissing the top of my head and walking off. I smiled to myself and walked into class.

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I didn't think I was going to do anymore characters until I saw this

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I didn't think I was going to do anymore characters until I saw this. I love that character so much. Prompts to @Maraineal

I love that character and I can tell I'm going to be using them a lot.

Stay strange
Stay positive
Stay you! ❤️🌈🖤💙💜💋💞💔

-Ice 💙💋

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now