Chapter 21

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James [indirect] POV

Peggy let out a scream that sounded like she was being murdered. James plugs his ear and winces at the sharp sound.

"Sweet Jesus Peggy!" James yells after Peggy's scream.

"It's not that exciting!" He says to her. She gasps in response.

"I JUST FOUND OUT MY BROTHER IS DATING THOMAS JEFFERSON! I NEED TO PLAN THE WEDDING!!!" She screams. The two other sisters burst through the door.

"WHAT THE HECK PEGGY???" Angelica screams over all the commotion. James rolls my eyes and plugs his ears again.

"JAMES IS DATING THOMAS!!!" She screams again. Eliza and Angelica stay silent, looking at each other, than back at James. James sighs and nods his head. All three girls in the room scream. Eliza ran over to James and crushed him in a giant bear hug. James laughs and winces at the contact. The bruises from his binder were still there, and the one on his chest look infected. He refused to see a doctor for it though. Angelica goes up to James, about to embrace him as well. She stops in her tracks, then gives a confused look to James. Eliza let go of James with a grin from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy for you!" She exclaims, holding James hands in her own. James smiled back at his sister.

"James?" Angelica asks from across the room. James turns his attention to her, his smile fading at Angelica's expression. A worried and scared look spread across her face.

"How long have you been wearing your binder?" She asks James, full concern on her face. The room falls silent and James eyes go wide and round. James doesn't respond.

"James Madison. Take it off." Peggy growls at her brother. James sighs and hugs his chest tightly.

"You're lungs.. they're bruised." Angelica mumbles, he eyes turning a yellowish-green. Blood drips from Angelica's ears into her brown curls.

"Do you think I care..?" James mumbles in response. Eliza and Angelica didn't here their brothers mumbles words. Peggy laughs sarcastically and takes out her earpiece that helped he not hear whispers from other people's minds.

"Say that again." She tells James. James tenses up and sighs. He opens his mouth to say something, but his phone buzzes in his pocket. He raises an eyebrow and gets his phone from his back pocket. An unknown number lies across the screen of his phone. He shrugs and hits the 'accept call' button.


"Hello, Jasmine." A raspy, cruel voice came through the phone.

"You've got the wrong person. This is James." James states, All of his sisters looking confused.

"No I don't Jasmine. I know your secrets. I know everything. If you hang up it will only get worse." He tells James. James could practically see the unknown persons smirk across the line. James takes in a shaky breath.

"What do you want?"

An uncomfortable silence fills the room and the telephone line. The man on the other end chuckles. James actually found that attractive but creepy.

"Play along..." James whispers into the phone.

"Oh! It's you! We haven't talked in forever! It's so nice to hear from you after all these years." James exclaims. Earning confused looks from his sisters. James smiles brightly and puts up his finger, indicating to give him and whoever was on the other line some time to talk. The sisters exchanged glances, some nervous, but shrugged it off and left the room. James let out a breath of relief and sits on Peggy's bright bed. The bright yellow blanket being hard to miss.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now