Chapter 35

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James' POV

After many tears, and apologizing to Jules several times, Thomas and I drove back to New York. He held my hand with one hand and had the other on the steering wheel. I tapped my fingers against the car door with my other hand.

"This isn't happening right? Peggy is fine and I'm dreaming?" I ask for probably the fifth time in the hour. Thomas sighed and frowned.

"I'm afraid not sweetheart..." Thomas mumbled. I whimper.

"I'm such an idiot! I knew something was wrong and I ignored it!" I blame myself.

  Peggy wouldn't do something like this. She usually tells me everything.. did she try to tell me? She most likely did and I didn't realize. God, I can be so stupid sometimes.

I feel a light weight on my shoulder. I look over and see a black silhouette on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile slightly. Thomas knew how to make me happy.. how to cheer me up. He's always been here for me...

That's when it hit me...

This is the man I want to marry someday.

I know we're only in high school... but I just got that feeling... this is my person..

I make a white silhouette and send it onto my shoulder. They sit down on my shoulder and the white one leans her head on the black silhouette's shoulder. I smile softly. We drive for hours.. worry filling me most the time. I ended up falling asleep.

When we arrived, Thomas woke me up gently. We went to Starbucks and got a coffee then headed to the hospital Eliza told me that Peggy was in. I left my cold brew in the car, and we both went into the hospital.

"Hello, welcome, are you here for a visit?" A girl with blue hair asks quietly. Her voice was calm.

"Um.. yes... Margarita Schuyler?" I say shyly. I didn't like social interaction.

"I see," she starts, typing something in her computer, "And do you have a relationship with Ms.Schuyler?" She asked politely. Her voice was very soothing.

"Yes, I'm her brother." I respond, while holding my arms. She nods and smiles softly. Thomas went to the waiting room. I followed the girl and she led me to a room that had what looked like a cell door. A girl comes up to me.

"Hello, I suspect you're James?" She asked politely. I nod slowly.

"I'm doctor Teresa. I've been a councilor for Peggy. She's spoken of you a lot."

"She has..?"

"Yes. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again! She was happy to see Ms. Maria Reynolds."

"Wait.. Maria-.. never mind.. can I see her please..?" I asked in an almost deprecate tone. Teresa nodded and knocked on the big metal door. A few seconds later, Peggy opened the door a bit and peeked through

"Yeah..?" Peggy said timidly. It broke my heart.. Peggy was always so outgoing. She wasn't usually like this. I couldn't help but feel I was the cause of this.

"Hi Peggy.. Your brother is here to see you." Teresa whispered. I saw Peggy's eyes go wide. It took me by surprise though... there was anger and hatred in her eyes.

"I don't want to see him." Peggy stated cleanly. I felt my heart break more.

"Peggy..." Teresa said, a bit hurt herself.

"No. I don't want to see him. And James, I see you right now, just want tell Let you know I'm going to be a mother and you're going to be an uncle now." Peggy said, a matter a factly. My eyes went wide. Teresa went to say something but the door slammed shut.

"I'm terribly sorry James-.. Are you okay sir..?" Teresa asked me. I was confused, until I felt hot tears going down my cheeks. I sniffed and wiped my now damped face.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm okay... just.. please tell her I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong and that I love her.." I basically pleaded. Teresa frowned and nodded. I turned to leave.

Peggy's POV

"No. I don't want to see him. And James, I see you right now, just want tell Let you know I'm going to be a mother and you're going to be an uncle now." I said, a matter a factly. I saw James' eyes go wide. Teresa opened her mouth to say something but I slammed it in her face. I face my back against the door and slide down it. I brought my knees to my chest. I felt tears fill my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I couldn't. He didn't have the right to my tears. I should have never been his friend. I should have kept my stupid mouth shut all those years ago. He has no right to-

"Y-Yeah.. I'm okay... just.. please tell her I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong and that I love her.." I hear James' say behind the thick door.

That's it.

I got up and opened the door.

"You're kidding me right?" I ask. Teresa put a hand on my shoulder but I bat it away. James looks back at me with tears in his eyes.

"What gives you the right to say that?" I asked angrily. James tenses But doesn't respond.

"Nothing. The answer is nothing. You're going to play the name game and make ME feel guilty for my choices and you have no right to do that! I know I'm messed up but you don't have to make it worse. You didn't do anything wrong. For once, you didn't. You did nothing wrong. I did! I did something wrong. You're such a jerk. I let you in and you stomp all over me! I let you into my family and you throw it away. You threw me away! News flash! The world doesn't revolve around you! Quit treating it like it does. Everyone cares and worries about you, James. I've been wearing the necklace you gave me. Because, surprise surprise, I felt guilty because I know you felt this way and I know you felt it 'worse'." I say with anger, sometimes stepping towards James. He looked at me with fear.

"And you know what, I've come to realize that some people have it worse than you and that person is me. But you're too self absorbed to realize the outside world. I almost feel bad for missing you because I know you obviously wouldn't have missed me. That's becoming crystal clear to me now!" I noticed tears streaming down my face.

"And now I'm about to be a mother. The scariest thing is, I don't know how to fix myself to get out of here to actually help raise that child. You did nothing! Nothing to trigger what I am! Nothing! It is your fault and it's also my fault. I'm always the overlooked sister and I thought you knew that but you think you're the most important person in the world. I'm just a puppet in your game." My voice cracked. More tears fell down his face as well as mine. We were almost touching.

"S-So don't say it's your fault. And you did something wrong... because that makes others feel guilty... you know you didn't do anything wrong.. you blame yourself for everything... you have so many people who care.. yet you can't care for them anymore.." I say while crying.

"You've gone so blind to others around you. You're too wrapped up in self doubt that I don't know where it's coming from because you've got it so good... you can't gain anything from misery and making yourself feel alone and miserable. I know that and I thought you did."

I stop and turn. I go back to the door way.

"I'm your Sister even if we don't share a bloodline... that's what you said... start treating me like it." I say and close the door. Leaving almost everyone behind it in a state of shock. I spent the rest of the night crying to myself and drawing... Maybe he'll learn...

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now