Chapter 27

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  No POV

James fell to the ground with a heavy impact, as Peggy let out a deadly scream. Reynolds smirked from across the field. The world seemed to pause. Peggy fell to her knees and sobbed as well as her sisters. Alex, Lafayette, John, and Hercules ran up to James. Mae was trying to comfort Eliza who was sobbing into her chest. Raina looked away from the scene, looking down.

"No no no no no!" John exclaimed, tears running down his face as he put James head in his lap. All James heard was heart beats in his ears. Reynolds went to run away, but was caught by Thomas' thorny vines. Alex called 911. Thomas brought Reynolds back, making Reynolds face him. His eyes were black and he squeezed his fist, causing the vines to tighten. Reynolds hissed in pain as the thorns dig into his skin. A white gas cane from Thomas' mouth, making Reynolds gasp. Thomas blew it in his face. Reynolds choked for air then passed out. Thomas let him down roughly and kicked at Reynolds. Blood dropped from James' mouth. Herc put pressure on James' collarbone as James put pressure on his own hip. Whimpering and grunting as he gasped for air. James eyes were rolling out of consciousness.

"No! Stay with us James!" Laf screamed. James slowly laid limp in John's grasp, the only sound James heard before that, was sirens and screams.

Time skip...

Peggy's POV

Angelica drove us to the hospital. Mae, Eliza, me, Angie, Raina, and Jules in this car. The boys in another. We were following the ambulance quickly. The police got ahold of Reynolds. I was sobbing into Eliza's shoulder in the back. Eliza sat next to me, crying silently. Mae held Eliza's hand for comfort in the middle. Jules had her face in her knees, choked sobs coming from her. Raina has their eyes closed in the front, their head leaning against the window. They looked pale. Raina coughs roughly into their arm, blood staining their sleeve.

"Good thing we're going to the hospital..." Eliza mumbles. We finally arrive and I rush out of the car first. I run through the door.

"JAMES MADISON WHERE IS HE??" I yell. The waiting room goes silent. The receptionist looked surprised. She clears her throat and types the name.

"There is not a 'James Madison' here." She says, pushing some of her long blue hair out of her face and adjusting her glasses.

"Try Jasmine..." Angelica tells the girl from behind me. The girl types the name again.

"Critical condition. No one can see her right now. She's in for emergency surgery to remove the bullet in her hip. After that you can see her."

I felt tears slide down my face again. The boys came in through the door.

"Where is he??" Thomas yelled. We walk with the boys to some seats in the waiting room and explain everything. I lean on Eliza's shoulder and cry silently. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I look over and see a young boy with black hair. Holding a brown teddybear. He looked almost 7.

"Hi! You is sad." He stated, muffled by the teddybear against his chest and lips. Everyone looked in my direction. I smiled sadly and wiped the tears off my face.

"Yeah kiddo. I'm just a little sad that's all." I tell him. He nods his head, and puts his bear down. He jumps from his seat since he's quite short and stands in front of me. He smiles, one of his teeth missing in the front.

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