Chapter 14

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Thomas' P.O.V.

  I wake up to my stupid alarm...
School alarm... today is Saturday, so no school.
I slowly rise from my bed. Too lazy to get dressed just yet, I slowly walk out the door. I see James on the couch, drawing in his sketchbook. He looks very intently at the paper, careful not to mess up. I walk be hind the couch and watch him draw. He draws arms. One had a blade in their hand and was cutting their wrist. Leaves coming from their cuts..

  I clear my throat and he instantly slams his sketchbook shut and snaps his head to me

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  I clear my throat and he instantly slams his sketchbook shut and snaps his head to me.

"O-oh! I didn't know you were awake..." He tells me startled. I give him a worried look.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him. He whimpering a lot before we went to sleep.. it worried me...

"I-I'm fine... just sore..." he mumbles, looking down. I don't want to push the subject so I just sit next to him.

"Peggy is leaving the hospital soon." He comments, tapping his fingers on his sketch pad.

"Good!" I exclaim. He seems... off... uncomfortable maybe?

"Hey.. how did you know what to do to heal Peggy.? It's said to be impossible to raise someone from the dead." I ask. He tenses up a bit.

"I.. don't know... I'm just weird." He shrugs and looks away from me.

"You're not weird." I say, grabbing his hand. I see him tense up and blush. Cute.

"You're cute." I say bluntly.. oops.. he blushes even more and smiles slightly.

"That was even cuter." I say, inching closer to him. He tilts his head at me.


"That! Stop being so adorable!!" I exclaim, putting my hands over my face. I hear him giggle at me.

"I'm not cute." He argues, crossing his arms. I gasp and put my hand over my chest pretending to be offended.

"Excuse me?? You are the cutest thing ever!!" I exclaim as I look over at him. His face darkens to a red and he laughs.

"Even your laugh! So adorable!" He laughs more, making me laugh. He calms his laughing a bit then snorts at how hard he was laughing. He quickly covers his mouth and I gasp.

"You keep getting cuter!!" I scream out and laugh lightly at him. He looks at me embarrassed and giggles again, bringing his hand down from his face. He sets his sketch pad away.

"Hey Jemmy?" I ask after our laughter had calmed.

He hums in response.

"Do you maybe wanna.. um... go out to like a restaurant with me?" I ask, stuttering and biting my lip. He looks at me a second confused. Thinking of a response?? I visibly gulp.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now