Chapter 10

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James' P.O.V.

  I walk back to our dorm, feeling weak and blood dripping from all over my body. I earn weird stares from students on campus, but I ignore them. I finally arrive at my dorm and shakily put my hand out to open the door. As I go to open it, white light comes from my hand, surrounding the doorknob quickly. I back my hand away quickly. My heart rate increases in fear and shock. I feel blood drip down my nose again, and my headache gets worse. It gets hard for me to stand. I quickly open the door and slam the door shut, not locking it so Thomas can get in. I slowly and shakily make my way to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My jeans are ripped and my black jacket has dirt splattered over it. Small cuts across my neck and arms. Dried blood under my nose along with new blood from what happened in the hallway. My fingertips have many cuts and my hands got the worse of it. My hands felt like they were on fire. I get some tape from the cupboard, and wrap my hands down to my wrists in the tape. I clean up all the dry blood off my body and go back to my room. I flip onto my bed, exhausted. I feel drained and I have a headache like no other. I quickly fall asleep into a deep sleep.

(Next day)

Thomas' P.O.V.

  Guilt. That's all I feel now. James looks terrified to even look at me. He won't even look at me though... we are both getting ready for bed. He's wearing a maroon shirt, a jacket with long sleeves that covered his hands, and black jeans. He has a scab along his cheek when I cut his face.. and his hands are wrapped in tape. He honestly looks really tough now, he doesn't look shy or timid anymore. Should I say something to him..? I don't really know... we both head out the door, going to the main building to head to breakfast. Bruises also filled my face and chest from the pressure that James power did. I didn't care though. More damage was done to him. Emotionally and physically.

"Sorry for hurting you Thomas." James says, keeping his eyes in front of him.

"Don't be. I hurt you more." I respond quickly. Silence stays between us once again. I would keep glancing at James on the walk though. We arrive at the café and I see the rest of the gang sitting at a booth, talking quietly. James and I walk over to the booth and sit down. Everyone goes silent, and stares at James. James tilts his head,

"What?" He asks, confused why everyone was staring at him.

"Nothing! It's just.. what happened yesterday. You look like nothing happened.." Peggy says quickly. James shrugs.

"I'd rather forget that entire week." He tells us, resting his chin in his hand. He glances at me quickly, then back at the table.

"So... you.. can use your powers now?" Herc asks James. He shrugs again, playing with a straw wrapper.

"I can't control it right now. It's unstable." He explains. We all nod. The rest of the group talks normally but I can't get my attention off James. Even when I brush past him he flinches. It breaks my heart. I send a black silhouette onto his shoulder, causing him to look at me, and the silhouette. He smiles slightly, making me smile. He lets the silhouette go onto his hand. He summons a white one on his hand and lets them meet. The white one seems to be ignoring mine.

"They base off emotion." John says suddenly, everyone now turning their attention towards him.

"What?" I ask him.

"The silhouette is based off emotion. That's why they interact. James silhouette, he begins pointing at the white silhouette. Which looked kinda grey and see through now.

"She looks grey. Showing she's hurt by the other. She looks see through because she doesn't want to be here or around a certain person." He continues glancing at James and I. James looks down with guilt.

"However, she's knows it wasn't the others fault. She doesn't blame the black silhouette for what he did. She's hurting.. but she wants someone to help her. She just needs time to think. She's also grey because she did something bad to herself..." John says, slightly glaring at James, who left his gaze to the ground.

"So.. th-the white silhouette... is suicidal and doesn't want to be here...?" Peggy asks scared. John nods, and my eyes go wide. James was feeling this? I look at the white silhouette. She sits on the ground and we see her cutting her wrists. James looks extremely guilty. Everyone gives James a worried look.

"James.. you-.." John cuts Alex off.

"But... the black silhouette is there. He doesn't like what he did. He feels... guilty..." John says, looking at me. James suddenly looks up at John. Interested in what he has to say.

"He blames himself. He shouldn't have gave in to another pretty girl. He was cursed and would harm the other. He didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't control it. And... it tearing him up inside seeing his friend like that." John goes on. The black silhouette walks over to the white one, with bandages. He starts covering the bleeding cuts.

"The black one wants to help. Because.... he cares about her. He knows it will take time... but he's willing to wait for her... to heal." John finishes with a smile. The black silhouette looks at the white one. The white one gets its pure color back and the touch foreheads. And both disappear. James sets his hand down and looks at me. I smile at him and he nods.

"Let's head to class JJ.." Peggy says with a smile, grabbing James hand. He flinches but relaxes quickly. We all head off to class.

Something tells me things are going to be alright between us....

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now