Chapter 16

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(Can we appreciate that beautiful creation I made yesterday?? ^^^^^^
You're welcome for making your mouth water! 😂)

James' P.O.V.

  "Peggy, I don't need a new binder." I tell Peggy as we walk into another store.

"Yes, you do!" She argues. I roll my eyes. I feel so uncomfortable right now.. Peggy made me take off my binder in public because I was wearing it too often..

I feel so feminine right now and I hate it... she drags me to the clothes section, trying to find a binder.

"You aren't going to find one."

"Yes I will!" She argues again. I roll my eyes. I cross my arms over my chest. I feel really exposed.. she drags me to a section with costumes and binders. Why is this even right here?

"Do you want a neutral color or..." she gets cut off.

"Hey Peggy!" A voice calls. I tense up, pressing my arms against my chest. We both turn over at the voice and see Maria there, walking over to us.

"Hey Maria!" Peggy greets her with a hug. Theodosia walks up behind Maria too.

"It's so great to see you!" Theo says smiling and giving Peggy a hug.

"It's great to see you guys too!" She says, pulling away from the girls. I just stand there awkwardly, pressing my arms against my chest.

"Hey! You're James, right?" Theo points out. I tense up even more if that's possible.

"U-umm... y-yeah.." I say, almost unsure of my own name.. the two girls smile at me.

"So, what're you guys doing here?" Theo asks, smirking at us. I give her a questioning look.

"I ship it.." Maria says, with some restraint in her voice. Peggy and I look at each other, then burst out laughing. The two girls must've been so confused. We laugh until our sides hurt.

"That's a good one! I'll have you know we're both super gay!" Peggy says, putting an arm around me. I giggle and Maria's eyes went hopeful.

"Anyways, what're you guys doing in this section?" Theo asks, looking at the binders. I feel my face heat up and I look away.

"We're here for a friend." Peggy lies.

They talk for awhile and I just stand there awkwardly.. Peggy waves to her friends has they walk off.

"Sorry JJ." She apologizes then grabs a neutral colored binder and hands it to me. It felt.. better then the smaller one.. I'm so grateful for having her. She does way too much for me..

"I still can't get over that necklace Thomas gave you. It's amazing." She gushed, looking at my necklace as we walk out the store. I feel more comfortable now that I have an appropriate fitting binder on. I nod and sigh happily. He's so sweet..

"Hey Jasmine..." I hear someone whisper behind me. I freeze and don't dare to turn around. I see Peggy freeze as well, I grab her hand.

"Just keep going." I whisper to her. She nods and we continue walking. I feel a tap on my shoulder

"Jasmine." I hear the same voice call out.

"Shut up.." I mumble angrily. I drag Peggy along faster. I felt my arm burn.

"JJ.." She whispers, trying to calm me down. I take a deep breath.

"James..?" The voice said from behind me, confused by using my name. I turn around and see a confused Samuel Seabury standing there. The white tattoo across his neck showing prominently. I tilt my head, confused why he wanted my attention.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now