Chapter 5

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  Chapter 5

  James P.O.V.

  My eyes are white.
My eyes are plain white.
What the hell??

"What the..?" Alex says quietly. "Why? Why? Why? Why???" I exclaim and slide my hands down my face. "Does my mind just like to torture me? I get it! I don't have powers and my powers are broken! You don't have to keep reminding me!" I yell at myself in an act of frustration. "James calm down, can you even see?" Herc asks looking at me. "Yes I can see." I say slightly angry. I run my temples, "Let's just keep walking, it will wear out eventually." I tell them. They look at each other, John nods, and we keep walking. Once we get to our dorms, I unlock the dorm I share with Thomas, and go in. I throw my bag onto the couch. Thomas closes the door behind us. I hate myself. I really do... I think to myself... well I thought I said that in my mind.. Thomas stares at me shocked. "I just said that out loud didn't I?" I ask him. He nods looking down at his feet. "Your eye color is back by the way.." he mumbles quietly, almost too quiet for me to hear. I sigh, now I made him feel bad. An awkward silence hung in the air. I bite my lip, he was still looking down at his feet frowning. I do my instinct, I get up and hug him. I mumble an apology into his chest. He was surprised at first but hugs me back. "It's okay... just please don't say it again.." he says quietly and I nod. We stay like that for awhile, I smile. It was nice... Thomas pulled away and smiled at me. I kinda missed the warmth of his body. "What do you want to do flower boy?" He asks me. I feel my ears and face go hot. I shrug, afraid if I open my mouth nothing would come out. "Watch a movie?" He asks me, still smiling. I nod, my voice still caught in my throat. Thomas went to the TV and grabbed a disk and put it in, then sat on the couch. I grabbed my sketchbook from my bag and sit down on the other side of the couch. I wasn't paying attention to the movie that movie that much to be honest. I was drawing a rose. I love roses, even though it's on my tattoo, they're very pretty. I didn't notice Thomas looking over my shoulder, "How are you so good at drawing?" He asks me, making me flinch and instinctively put my hand over my drawing. He chuckles, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." I take a deep breath, "I-it's okay.." I stutter out. "What else can you draw?" He asks me. I flip through my sketchbook hesitantly. I get to a page with the 3 sisters sitting down at a table laughing. I look up at Thomas and see his eyes go wide. I smile, and turn the page, showing a picture of just Peggy laying upside down from the couch. "What the..." He looks amazed and confused. I giggle at his behavior, and close my sketchbook. I tap my fingers on it for a second, thinking of what to draw next. I know.. I open my sketchbook once again, and turn my body a little towards Thomas. Making sure he doesn't notice that I'm looking at him for reference. After 23 minutes, I finish. I drew Thomas with several little flowers in his hair. I wrote next to it 'flower boy~'. I place it down on the seat in between us. He looks down at it and smiles, he grabs the notebook and chuckles when he sees the flowers in his hair. I grin and put my attention back on the TV. "Hey, Laf sent me a text about a paint gun fight tomorrow after school. Do you want to come?" Thomas asks suddenly, still admiring the drawing. "S-sure.." I say, stuttering again. He closes my sketch pad and smiles at me, "I'm going to make dinner." He says before going into the kitchen. I wasn't hungry, I never was. That always caused people to worry about me. Just another thing to hate about me. A couple minutes later, Thomas comes in with a bowl of mac and cheese. "Do you want some?" He asks. "No. Thank you for the offer though." I tell him, he raises his eyebrow at me. "You really should eat, have you eaten today?" He asks me. I was dreading that question. One time I didn't eat for so long, I was hospitalized because I would get so dizzy I couldn't stand. (This totally hasn't happened to me, I don't know what you're talking about.)I shrug in response. Thomas' eyes fill with worry. "When was the last time you ate?" He asks me, worry now lacing his voice. I think for a second, when did I eat last? I just shrug again. "I dunno, but I'm not hungry." I say to him. He sets his bowl down and goes back into the kitchen, he brings back toast for me. He hands it to me. "It's something at it won't affect you since it's bread. I'd rather you eat at least a little bit than nothing." He tells me, I hesitate, but take it. I mumble a thank you and he smiles brightly.

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