Chapter 28

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Angelica's POV

I take Raina to the front desk.

"Hey, I think my friend is pretty sick and we don't know what's wrong." I tell her. The receptionist nods.

"I'm not sick.." Raina grumbled, and I shoot her a glare.


Raina tells her their information and we go into a room fairly quickly. They take their vitals.

"Have you been eating much?" The doctor asked. Raina scoffs and rolled their eyes. I shake my head and the doctor writes stuff down.

"Alright Raina, I need you stand up for me." They do as told and stand up from the seat. The doctor stays in front of them.

"Can you stand behind her please?" He asks. I nod and stand behind them.

"Now, close your eyes." The doctor tells them. They scoff.

"No, this is stupid."

"Raina. Do it." I growl. They sigh and close their eyes. They start to sway with their eyes closed. Side to side, almost falling over. They open their eyes. The doctor nods and writes another thing down.

"How well can you keep balance when on your toes?" He asks.

"I don't know.." they grumble. I hit their arm lightly making them roll their eyes.

"Stand on your toes please?" He asks. They stomp one foot, then go onto their tippy toes. They lean backwards and fall into my arms. I feel my ears heat up as I catch them. They quickly get out of my grasp and cross their arms like nothing happened. The doctor quickly wrote something onto the clipboard.

"Have you been short of breath or coughing a lot? Maybe coughing up blood?" He asks.

"Nope." Raina answers, pulling at their sleeves.

"Yes, they have been. They were coughing up blood." I tell the doctor honestly. I glare and Raina who just rolled their eyes for the hundredth time.

"I think we may have to get some blood work done." He mumbles.

"No!" Raina exclaims suddenly, stomping one of her feet down. We both just stare at her confused. She awkwardly coughs and sits down next to me. The doctor walks away to get the supplies.

"What's wrong with blood work. I get you don't want to be here but—.."

"I'm scared okay??" They say to me, looking away.

"I'm scared... I'm scared of the needles..." they admit to me. I sigh and make them look towards me. As I do, I feel my face go hot and see their face flush a light pink. I stare down at their lips quickly than release them, flushed and embarrassed. We both kinda just look away from each other awkwardly. The doctor comes in the a needle and some tubes. Along with a blue rubber ribbon and some disinfecting wipes. He pulls a tray in front of Raina.

"Put Your left arm up here." He tells her. They went to put their arm up but they saw the needle that he set on the desk.

"DON'T TOUCH ME WITH THAT!" Raina screams, leaning towards me.

"Raina it's alright."

"No no no no no! I don't like this.." they say, their breathing becoming a bit irregular.

"Raina, breath..." I tell them calmly. They try to take deep breaths in.

"I promise I won't hurt you." The doctor says. Raina still doesn't put their arm across the table. I hold onto their hand and set their arm on the table. They flinch and go to pull away but I hold their arm there. The doctor ties the blue rubber ribbon around Raina's upper arm tightly. They flinch and whimper, their breathing still not normal.

"Raina, look towards me." Their eyes don't go away from the table, the doctor searching for a good vein.

"Raina." I say more sternly. They look wards me with watery eyes.

"Keep your eyes on my okay? Now, tell me your favorite color." They give me a confused look.

"I-uhh... g-green." I smile encouragingly. Seeing the doctor poke the needle into their arm. They didn't even notice.

"Now, tell me your favorite animal."


The doctor fills one vile with blood. Raina squeezed my hand.

"Tell me something you find pretty."

"You..." they mumble, making me blush. I shake my head and work with the task at hand.

"Favorite food?"

"I don't really know..." they admit. The doctor takes off the blue ribbon and cleans the drop of blood coming from Raina's wound. Putting a tissue on it with medical tape. Raina looks towards the doctor confused. Then sees the blood he was taking off to the lab.

"Wait.. what? I didn't even notice." They say baffled.

"Exactly." I say, and lean back in my chair. They look at me and give me small smile, their cheeks dusting a light pink.

"Thank you.." they mumble, looking away from me. I hum in response.

A comfortable silence stays with us. I sigh contently.

"Ya know.. when I said I thought you were pretty. I wasn't lying." Raina tells me. My face goes hot and I don't make eye contact with them.

"Th-thank you.." I mumble. We stay silent and wait for the doctor to come into the room.

Peggy's POV

We head off to the waiting room once again. Just before we get to the waiting room, I see Jack's father was sitting with another man. He was holding Jack's teddy bear close to his chest, crying into it. The man next to him was rubbing his back while tears also slid down his face.

"Excuse me?" I say quietly. They both turn to me with tears in their eyes.

"O-oh.. it's y-you..." the man I recognized said and sniffed.

"What happened?" I ask gently. The man chokes on a sob.

"J-jacky..." he sobs. The man next to him tries to comfort him again.

"H-he's I-in a better pl-place..." The man comforting his partner says. I gasp and cover my mouth, feeling tears fill my eyes. I take a deep breath.

"C-can I hug you guys?" I ask.. they both look up at me. The man I knew before nods shyly. I hug the man tightly.

"I'm so so sorry. He was so sweet.." I whisper into the mans shoulder. I pull away, a few tears running down my face. I hug the other man just as tight. The man holding the teddy sniffs.

"I-I'm Derek..." He says. The other man had blonde hair with brown at the roots of his hair and a blue flannel on.

"I'm Dante." He introduces. I nod and wipe them tears from my eyes. M

"Sorry we had to meet like this.. my brother is actual in critical condition... he got shot twice." I tell them. I Both of them go wide eyed.

"I-I'm sorry.."

"It's fine.. I gotta catch up with my friends... hopefully we'll meet again." I say, giving a little wave. With that, I walk back to the waiting room. Thomas now following from behind me.

James getting ready for his 2nd surgery.

"Did you guys make up?" Laf asked Thomas. Thomas smiled and nodded. I yawn.

"We should go home. I think we're all tired.." Alex says. I'm surprised to hear that from him. As if on cue, Angie comes back with Raina. We all leave and head off to our houses.

Waiting for piece of mind.

I fall asleep in the car.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now