Chapter 23

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  During the weak, James' condition only got worse. He would sleep most days, or just wake up to vomit. He constantly had chills and troubles breathing. He didn't even have enough /anything in his stomach to throw up anymore. He would just gag endlessly with nothing coming up. Except for blood from his scratchy throat sometimes. He would stay awake at nights as if he were nocturnal, mostly to do Homework that he missed or if he couldn't sleep. Thomas missed seeing his boyfriend up and giggly. It was currently around 1 am and James was restless. On his computer doing work for school. He had a huge headache. At least he didn't have trouble breathing because his binder was off. This was one of good days, he didn't feel as bad. Except for his headache and his eyes burned from the light screen. James breathed deeply, hitting submit on his computer screen. He closed his laptop, and set it on his desk. He breathed deeply for awhile, before slipping his shirt off and putting his binder back on. He tightened it and winced. Putting his shirt back on, and got up from bed. James slowly and quietly walked out of his room. The living area of the dorm was lit up by the moonlight shining through the window. James smiled and silently closed his door. He walked to Thomas' door and slowly opened it. The sound of the door creaking seems loud in the quiet atmosphere. James sees Thomas curled up in his dark blankets, sleeping peacefully. James smiled and walked into the room quietly shutting the door behind him. He crept over to Thomas, and tapped his shoulder.

"Thomas..." he whispered. Thomas stirred in his sleep.

"Tommy." James said a little louder, a little bit guilty for waking his boyfriend up. Thomas groaned and sat up on his elbow, and rubbed his eyes. His eyes adjusted, seeing James there.

"James? What's wrong? You should be in bed." Thomas tells him, sitting up in his bed.

"I want to cuddle..." James said innocently as he blushed. Thomas chuckles and moved over and pat his bed, telling James to come next to him. James smiled brightly and got into bed with Thomas. Thomas laid a blanket over James gently. James instantly cuddled into Thomas' chest. Listening to his deep heartbeat. Thomas lazily wrapped his arm around James' waist.

"I miss cuddling with you.." Thomas commented. James hummed in response.

"Sorry I've been so sick lately.." James apologized in a whisper. Thomas just shook his head.

"It's okay, love. I just hope you get better soon." Thomas tells James, and plants a kiss on his head. James' face went red.

"Don't blame me if you get sick." He warns.

"I don't care, as long as I can be with you." Thomas tells James with a grin.

"Shut up..." James replies, giggling slightly.

Thomas chuckled and closed his heavy eyes lids. The two both fell asleep, holding each other.

Samuel's POV

  "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?? WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU TWO DOING??" Reynolds yelled at Maria and I. I put my head down in shame.

"You said to pretend to be their friends! So we were defending them so they would trust us more!" Maria argued with her brother, rolling her eyes. I just stayed quiet. Reynolds shook his head pinched the bridge of his nose. Charles Lee and George King were sitting on the couch drinking beer. I don't even know where Reynolds found this place. It was next to the alley that Reynolds tried to rape James in... it was old. The paint peeling off the wall, the old couch and tv with stains. The entire place reeked of alcohol and smoke. Suddenly, Reynolds started laughing.

"I guess we'll have to do it the hard way.." Reynolds says. Charles and George laugh from behind Reynolds.

"No!" I finally snapped. The room fell silent. Reynolds still facing away from me. Charles and George looked at me bewildered.

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