Chapter 13

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James' P.O.V. (Should I have more P.O.V changes? Or does James POV work for most of it?)

We sit in the waiting room of the hospital. Everyone trying to cheer me up as I sit emotionless on the chair. Eliza and Angie are right outside her door..

"John, what's going to happen..?" Alex would keep whispering to John who was crying..

She's going to die...

People may be able to heal..

Wounds... scars... bones..

But no one can heal a broken heart and memories. I kept gettin flashbacks of when Peggy and I first met...

I bump into someone as I try and find my locker to my new school.

"S-sorry!" I recognize her as a popular girl.. a Schuyler sister... of course

"It's fine! What's your name?" She asks politely.

"J-James.. I mean.. Jasmine.." I say not wanting to use my birth name. She looks concerned for a moment the fixes something in her ear.

"James? Nice to meet you!" She says, making me smile that she knew what i meant.

"I'm Margarita! But please call me Peggy!" She says with a smile.

Maybe this year will be better.

"James Madison?" A doctor calls and I stand up.

"Margarita Schuyler requested to see you. She's in critical condition though. Try to be quiet." He says leading me back to her room...

"These are my sisters! Eliza and Angelica!" Peggy introduced me. I smile and give a shy wave.

"I-I'm James.." I say weakly. They nod and we all start talking. Mostly Peggy and I talked.. about how gay rights, LGBTQ, and other things that we had in common. She smiles brightly at me before leaving to her house.

I see Eliza and Angie sitting outside the door holding each other. Their father above them, looking down worried.

"James.." Eliza starts but I shake my head. She goes silent and slumps in her chair.

I run to Peggy's house crying from what I just saw my mother do... I knock on the door frantically and she opens it. I've known her about a year now. She knows about my mother and my broken powers. She lets me in and hugs me.. I only felt safe with her and my other sisters...

"I love you so much Peggy.. thank you for being here." I whisper as I cry into her shoulder.

"I love you too JJ. I'll always be here.." she responds. We watched movies and ate ice cream all together that night.

  I see Peggy laying lifeless on a bed. Dried blood all over her, her dark skin now light, and needles and tubes into her arm. She sees me and weakly.

"Jem, why don't you use your powers?" I ask suddenly while we're playing video games. She sighs.

"I could die. I will only use it if I need to. Like to protect you or someone else." She smiles at me. I smile back.

"I'd probably be dead if you weren't here.." I whisper, looking at my scarred arms but looking back up quickly. She nods and hugs me, cuddling into me. She takes out her phone and snaps a selfie with us both sucking our tongues out. We giggle like school girls and go back to playing video games.

"I did exactly as I said I would... I defended you and used my power.." She says weakly and painfully. I bite my lip till blood is drawn to stop myself from crying.

"I'd be dead if you weren't by my side Peggy.. please don't go now..." I beg and she smiles.

"At least I'd die knowing you're safe.. I'll still be with you..." she says and winces in pain.

"Don't talk like that! You're going to come home soon and be okay..." I say as tears run down my face.

"I'll never be the same JJ.. I'll always be weaker if I live..." she explains to me. I felt my heart shatter slightly. I sit on the chair next to her and kiss her forehead.

"Please..." I say...

Images go through my head of us laughing, crying, hanging out, having stupid conversations, hanging with our other sisters, telling each other gossip....

But my thoughts are interrupted...

. . . Beeeeeep . . .

By a flat line.

  Her sisters and father rush in and see her lifeless body and put their hands over their mouths. This is my fault. I can't help but sob, leaning over her bed. Her father quietly sobs in the corner of the room. I hear a muffled scream from Eliza.

"Stay... Stay... stay... stay..." I repeat over and over again.. but it's too late... she's gone.

"This is surreal..." Angie says, crying. 

I keep repeating the word 'stay'.

  I hear the door slam open and our other friends come in. They hear the flat line and see Peggy's lifeless body with a smile on her face. They all quietly sit down and I hear muffled sobs in the room.

"Stay.. Stay.. stay.. stay.. stay.." I keep repeating keeping my hand in her cold clammy hand.

"James..." Thomas tries to take my hand back as a doctor comes in.

"DO NOT TAKE ME AWAY FROM HER!" I yell suddenly.

"James she's gone!" Angie screams back, crying. I feel my eyes burn and my arm burn as well.

I quickly take off the tape on my hands making everyone tense up.

"Thomas come here." I demand. He hesitantly gets up. I grab his hand and put mine over his. My hand on top of his and his hand hovering over Peggy's heart. Dark shadows start to come from his hand and white from mine. Swirling around with each other until they reach Peggy's chest.

"James what the hell are you doing??" Angie screams. I don't stop.

They say people can't bring people back to life..

But I have hope...

Pain shoots up my arms from how much power I'm using. Thomas just looks confused as his fingernails begin to bleed.

"Stay alive for me." I whisper. I let go of Thomas and wait...

It didn't work....

I stomp my foot and sit back down....
Everyone loses hope again.

Beeeeep....... beep.... beep... beep.....beep.

Until that sound his head and the color in Peggy's face is restored. Peggy sits up quickly and gasps for air. Everyone cheers and her sisters and father hug her. I smile and go to walk out the door.

"James.. where are you going??" Thomas asks me, following me out the door.

"You just saved her! Go to her!" He tells me. I just smile up at him.

"Your darkness contrasts my light.. controlling it. If you weren't here... she wouldn't be..." I tell him. He looks surprised at me and himself.

"I just need some air." I tell him, walking outside. I sigh in relief and comfort as I slide down the side of the building.

Stay alive.... for me.

Reynolds P.O.V.

  So both of my plans didn't work. That's just great.. this'll be harder than expected... I start reading a book on power control... I see a power crystal.

Contain another persons power to where they can no longer use it.

The caption says... I grin grim-fully at the book...

This will be fun!

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