Chapter 17

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(My friend is calling me a bitch help! XD)

Samuel's P.O.V.

  I stayed at the Schuyler house for the rest of the day. It was really great! They're such great people to be honest...

"Hey guys, I've had such a blast here, but I really should be going. It's almost 9:30 after all." I say, disappointed that I have to leave. They all 'aww' in sadness making me chuckle. I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Aww, well I get it, we'll hang out again soon!" James says with a wide, contagious smile. I smile back and I wave before leaving the house. I heavily sigh and walk down the street off campus...

I walk down the street to an alley way where I hear laughter of men. I walk into the door where I hear the laughter slowly. The smell of alcohol and smoke fills the air making me shiver. George King, James Reynolds, Aaron Burr, and Charles Lee. George King looks my way.

"Hey look! Sammy's back!" He exclaims. I smile shyly. They all greet me with a smack on the back or messing up my hair. Reynolds walks up to me with a smirk on his face.

"Did you talk to Jasmine?" He asks, everyone looking at me hopefully.

"I-I mean yeah but..." I'm cut off my hollers by everyone.

"Good job Sam! I knew I could count on you!" Reynolds exclaims, patting me on the back.

"What's wrong with them?? Liking someone of the same gender?? That ridiculous!" Charles says while chuckling.

  That hit home.. I've always known I was gay.. or at least liked guys.. that's another reason I would hang out with these guys.. because I didn't accept myself.. that just made my feelings worse because I have major crushes on Charles Lee and George King.

"It's so disgusting! And changing into a gender your not?? Just the thought of it makes me sick.." Reynolds says, holding his stomach sickly. Everyone laughs and I laugh awkwardly.

"I'll prove it." Charles says. Everyone gives him a confused look. He walks over to me and smashes his lips onto mine.


I feel my face heat up, standing wide eyed at what he was doing. I notice everyone making gaging sounds and Charles pulls away chuckling. His face dusted with a pink blush.. Why is he blushing..? No.. he's probably just embarrassed. He wipes his lips, disgusted.

"Disgusting.." He says and everyone agrees. I just nod my head... my stomach felt like it was doing front flips and my legs felt like jelly.

"So.. Samuel. Tell me what you've learned so far about Jasmine and her friends..." Reynolds says and smirks.

I visibly gulped. What am I doing? I shouldn't have come back here...

"Or else I tell your family about your little.. secret.." he whispers in my ear and I tense up...

Now ready to spill anything...

The next day...

James' P.O.V.

"And when you add the piece of fur.." The potion teacher says, finishing up a shapeshifter potion while everyone scribbled down notes. She adds the fur and the liquid once green, goes purple. Everyone claps and she does a small bow.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now