Chapter 20

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Texts... (no pov)

J.Rey- Hello darling.

RedLips- Call me that again and I'll rip your throat out

J.Rey- so feisty...

J.Rey- I need a favor sweetheart.

RedLips- hah! Like I would do a favor for you! F off!

J.Rey- okay then...

RedLips- wait... that's it..? Just an okay..?

J.Rey- What?

J.Rey- oh you thought I wasn't going to do something? Hah! Oh yeah that's a good one!

J.Rey- Let's see...

J.Rey- Enie Meanie minie moe...
Grab a Schuyler by the toe...
When she hollers and screams has her thoughts destroyed...
Still don't let her go..
Enie meanie minie...
[picture of Peggy and Maria on there date]

RedLips- you wouldn't.

RedLips- yes you would....

RedLips- what do you want?

J.Rey- you know me so well sis!

RedLips- I am no longer your sister. Meet with me at the alley by the bar and cafe and tell me what you want. Don't touch Peggy.

['RedLips' has disconnected]

James POV

"It's like she didn't understand or something!"

Julieta finished her story while we walk down the hallway. It was the next week and the past week had been amazing. I had been on more dates with Thomas, Peggy has been hanging with Maria for awhile, Reynolds hasn't bothered me at all, and I've made a new friend.

"Well, Julie, you write and speak in every single language including ones that are barely discovered. And I've known you long enough to know you do it when you get nervous." I point out. She blushes and rolls her eyes, moving a stray strand of hair from her face.

"Whatever..." she mumbles.

"Anyway, I was just going to-.." I get cut off by someone running up to Julie. A very tall girl with dark bags under her eyes. She had tan skin and brown hair and eyes.

"Jules! You will never believe what happened!" She exclaims, jumping up and down. She had a red flannel with the sleeves ripped off on with jeans. A red jacket tied around her waist. She had an earpiece in each ear.

"So that girl! She... Who's this?" She stares at me with confusion on her face. Jules facepalmed herself and sighed, mumbling gibberish under her breath.

"Mae, I don't know what I'm going to do with you.." she mumbles. I snicker and the girl pretended to look offended.

"Wow.. and I thought we were friends..." she says with a fake pout.

"I'm James" I tell her smiling.

"Mae Jayne." She states, moving a piece of hair away from her face sassily. Mae turned back to Julie.

"Anyway! That girl with the long black hair! She was wearing this really cute blue flower crown and she looked at me and- oh my gosh she's so dreamy..." Mae gushes. I could basically see hearts in her eyes. That description sounded familiar to me though...

"You wouldn't happen to know if that girl has two sisters and a brother, is the middle child, wears sunglasses all the time and complains about how everything tastes weird would you?" I asked with a smirk, knowing my sisters like I know my own mind.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now