Chapter 3

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Jefferson's P.O.V

  "So how's your new roommate?" Lafayette asks me before taking a sip of his coffee. It was the first day of school and we were having breakfast with our group, at a cafe in the lower part of the school. I shrug, he hasn't come out of his room much so I don't know much about him. "He's quiet." I respond, while poking at my food. We are sitting in a booth, Herc was at the end, then Laf, then me, then John and then Alex. John had a plate of waffles in front of him, Alex had a black coffee and a croissant, I had a biscuit and some tea, Lafayette has a baguette with nutella on it along with his coffee, and Herc has a Ham and Cheese croissant. The others talk about random things and I zone out. The sound of a fork scraping against a plate, people talking or laughing, and workers making food filled the air. A heavy smell of coffee also filled the air. "James." I suddenly hear John say. I raise an eyebrow at him, but then hear the bell chime, as the door to the cafe opens. I look over and see James with some other girls. I chuckle and look back at John. He was now bleeding from one of his nostrils. It looked like he was just staring into space. "John you okay?" Alex asks him, as I see John's breathing increase. "Mon ami?" Laf asks with a worried look. John flinches and takes a deep breath. "Something feels weird. The atmosphere feels off." John says looking down in his lap. He wipes the blood from his nose, but I shrug off what he was saying/said. id. John can sense other people's magics when he wants to. Strongermagics just make him feel weird I guess. I sigh and take a bite out of my biscuit.

James' P.O.V.

  I walk into the cafe downstairs with the sisters. "Come on guysss! I'm hungry!" Peggy whines while putting on a different song on her phone. "Quit your whining Pegleg! Let's find a seat first!" Angie tells her halfway glaring at her. Peggy just rolls her eyes, Eliza adjusts her sunglasses and points to a booth. "Let's sit there." she says while walking to the booth she was pointing at. We all sit down, Eliza and Angie are at the ends, and Peggy is sitting next to Eliza and I'm sitting next to Peggy. "There's too many tastes in this room..." Eliza whispers under her breath, looking around at all the people. "I had another episode last night." I say bluntly. I was used to my "powers" acting up. As if they're going to work but they don't. The three sisters frowned at me. "How bad was it..?" Angie asks me, in a soft tone. I just shrug, "I'm used to the pain of it." I say, showing no emotion on my face. Yet, it really does bother me when, whatever that happens or whatever it is, acts up. It's painful some of the time. "Jem, that's the 4th one this week. Are you sure you're okay?" Peggy asked looking very concerned. All of the sisters and I are close, they're like my sisters too, but I was closest to Peggy. She always worries about me. I shrug at her, I open my mouth to say something, but Eliza goes into a fit of coughing. "Ew!" She exclaims. "Ew ew ew ew! That  taste! It's so bitter..." she says, while sticking her tongue out. Angie gives her a confused look and rolls her eyes. "What does bitter taste mean?" Peggy asks, while looking towards Eliza and tilting her head slightly. Eliza thinks for a second, then laughs to herself. "Well, I thought it meant black magic, but that's impossible." Eliza tells her, while shaking her head in disbelief. She was right, someone with black magic here? That's impossible. . . right? "I had another episode last night." I suddenly say bluntly. All three girls turn and frown at me. They knew my powers were broken, and I had episodes on my "powers" trying to work. The episodes were painful sometimes, but i've gotten used to it. "How bad was it?" Angie asks me in a soft tone. I shrug, "It wasn't that bad, but I had to run from my roommate so he wouldn't see me." I tell them. "Who's your roommate?" Peggy asks. "His name is Thomas. Thomas Jefferson." I tell them before taking a sip of my water. The sisters start talking, and I take that time to look around the large cafe. I see groups of friends, eating breakfast together. I notice a group of friends that somehow stood out to me. There are 5 people sitting in a corner booth. I see familiar puffy hair from one person sitting. Thomas.
"If you were curious, that's my roommate." I tell the sisters, motioning over to his table. They all look over, "We should introduce ourselves!" Peggy exclaims. Eliza smiles and nods her head in agreement. "Um... how about no." I say giving a sarcastic smile at Peggy before rolling my eyes. She growls at me and nudges Eliza to let her get out of our booth. Eliza nods, smiling and gets out and walks over with Peggy. I groan in annoyance and bang my head on the table. "Let's go I guess!" Angie says, while basically dragging me over to the table. Peggy was laughing when we went over there. "What's going on?" I ask Pegs. She smiles at me, "We were just introducing ourselves!" Peggy says excited. I roll my eyes, but can't help but smile. "Hi James." Thomas greets me  I give a shy wave to him. "Hey guys! I'm Angelica, but you can call me Angie!" Angie exclaims while waving and smiling. "I'm Elizabeth, but my friends call me Eliza or Liz!" Eliza says after her with a bright smile. "And Peggy!" Peggy shouts. I chuckle at her. I keep hearing Liz click her tongue, she must taste something bitter again. "Well, hi! I'm Alexander Hamilton." The man with slick black hair that is in a neat ponytail tells us. The guy next to him, has curly hair and dark eyeshadow under his eyes. "I'm John." He says plainly, as if he had done this before. "Bonjour mes amies! Je m'appelle Marquis de Lafayette! Ou Lafayette! Enchanté!" The man, who actually looked like Thomas, but with his hair up, says with a giggle. All three sisters give him a confused look and then turn to me, I sigh. "He said Hello my friends, my name is Marquis de Lafayette or Lafayette and that it's nice to meet you." I translated for them. They all nod. Lafayette squeals a bit and turns to me with a high smile, "You know French??" He asks me wide eyed. I nod slightly, looking down at my feet. "I'm Hercules, but ya can call me Herc." The man, next to Lafayette with a blue bandana around his head, introduces himself. "Yep, and I'm Thomas." Thomas tells the girls. The girls all smile and nod. "Can we sit with you guys?" Peggy asks them. I mentally facepalm myself, I didn't want to come over here in the first place. I hear a mixture of agreements come from the group, and the girls grab chairs for us to sit in. I look over at everyone sitting in the booth, most are smiling at us, I look over at Alex, and a yellow substance is dripping down from his eyes! "Umm... Alex, what's dripping from your eyes??" I ask him, a little bit worried. He gives me a confused look, then feels his face and then rolls his eyes. "One of my annoying powers. It's called Color changer." He explains while wiping his eyes. I nod, understanding and look back at my lap. "Speaking of, what are your guys powers?? If ya don't mind me asking!" Angie asks the new group. "It's fine! I have lightning powers!" Lafayette says while holding his hand out, a small lightning bolt shoots out, a green one. A flower forms on the table, the girls clap and giggle. "That's cool!" Eliza says. "What about you Eliza? What are your powers?" Alex asked with a bright smile. "Well..." Eliza says, dragging out the l sound. She pulls down her sunglasses, her bright green cat eyes show. 'Oooo's come from the table. She took a napkin, and a ray of light came from her eyes, burning the paper. "That's so cool!" Herc exclaims. Eliza covers her eyes with the sunglasses and smiles, her lip now bleeding. "It's nothing, what about you Herc?" Liz asks. Herc grabs a metal spoon and bends it with two fingers. "Super strength." He says while smiling. "Off topic question, how long have you guys known each other?" Herc asks, putting the now bent spoon down. "1st grade!" Peggy says, with a proud smile. I grin at her. "How long would that be..?" Eliza asks, furrowing her eyebrows trying to do the math. "14 to 15 years." Peggy and Alex say in unison. Eliza rolls her eyes at the two. "You have quick math?" Angie asks Alex surprised. Alex nods and smiles, "I also have quick write." He states. "What about you John?" Eliza asks kindly. John looks up at her, then back down. Eliza tilted her head as John looked down. John looks back up with a glare almost. "Um..." Eliza says, a little scared and confused. "Just wait for it." Thomas says plainly. Eliza shrugs and waits. A glass of water falls down and all the silverware rises. "Woah!" Peggy exclaims. The silverware drops and John's nose starts to bleed and he wipes it away quickly. "What about you Peggy?" Lafayette asks in his thick French accent. Peggy shrugs. "Quick math and touch." She says as she rolled her eyes. "And what about you Thomas?" Angie asks, he was silent the whole time. Thomas shrugs and straightens up his posture. He holds out his hands and vines come from the palm of his hands, a series of thorns on them, he pulls it back. His fingernails start to bleed. "I've never seen that before.." Eliza states, impressed and confused. Thomas glances at Laf, and bites his lip. What's wrong with him? I think to myself. "Alright before I do this, you guys can't judge me." Thomas tells us in a strict tone. We all nod, I'm really confused. He lifts up his shirt sleeve, and I see black tattoo. A black tattoo. As in black magic. The three girls and I go wide eyed. He pulls his sleeve back over his upper arm and looks down. "Woah.... that's so cool!" Peggy exclaims, making Thomas look up. "That's why I taste something bitter.." Liz says in almost a whisper. Thomas tilts his head at this, "Oh! I have a power called taste too. It's weird." Eliza answers. I look down in my lap, why can't I be special like that? "What about you James? You've been quiet this entire time, what are your powers?" Lafayette asks, taking the attention off of his brother. I flinch and him acknowledging I'm there. "U-um... I... I don't have powers.." I say shyly. I've always been socially awkward... "So your a neutral?" Alex asks, but it comes out in more of a statement. "N-no.. I have a tattoo and everything.... my powers are just b-broken I guess..." I say, my voice trailing off at the end. I honestly am really embarrassed about it. I'm not normal, and I know that, and I get judged for that. Lafayette gives me a sympathetic look, "It's okay! Maybe you'll find your powers one day." He says smiling. I nod, but I know I never will. We continue to talk, about how Thomas and Lafayette are twins and from France, how Alex is smarter than everyone, and other stupid topics. I didn't really talk much. I'm not that interesting. "Well, it was fun hanging out and meeting you guys! We should meet up again soon." Alex says with a smile. "Yeah! This was great!" Eliza exclaims, putting her chair back where she found it. Peggy and Angie did the same, and so did I. The 5 boys get up from their spots and we all start to head out the door, talking on our way out. I kinda trailed behind everyone, I was left out a lot of the time. John slows his pace and faces me while we walk. I give him a confused look then look back down at my feet. "Hidden." John tells me. "W-what?" I ask him confused of why he said that. "You aren't weird for not having your powers yet, they're there. Your powers are too powerful and they're still developing. You will find it soon, and once you do, the episodes you have will stop. You need to believe in yourself first." He tells me, both of his nostrils are dripping blood now. "W-why are you telling me this?" I ask, confused on what he was saying. "You aren't confident in yourself. You need to be James. It's okay to be shy, but you are very interesting." John says, while wiping his nose. I look at him and can't help but smile. "Thanks.." I say to him glancing at him, I see him smile at me. "Come on James!" Peggy yells for me. I flash a smile at John, and run ahead, catching up to Peggy.

Maybe this year won't be so bad afterall.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now