Chapter 30

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James' POV(Trigger warning)

Reynolds pinned me against a wall. I whimpered in pain as he pressed his knee in between my legs.

"Oh, quit it." He growls at me. I reached forward and bit my neck harshly. I whimpered again, causing him to dig his nails into my wrist. I gasp and bite my lip drawing blood. I squeezed his leg that was in between mine, trying to get him away. He just push harder. He left a big, purple mark across my neck. I felt blood trickle down my neck where the mark was. He looked into my eyes and licked his lips. He pulled off my shirt and pushed me down to the solid ground. I didn't have my binder on. He pulled his own shirt off and went down onto his knees to get to my level. He pushed me against the brick wall, it scraped against my bare back. He reached his hands under my bra and rubbed my breasts. I gasp and try to push him away. He growled at me and pinned my hands above my head with one hand.

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed. He didn't. He didn't stop. No one could hear me. All I heard now was the insults he would say to me and my heavy heartbeat.

"Slut. Tranny. Fag. Queer. Dumba$$. Stuckup. Dumb. Girl. Ugly. Moody. You will never be real guy. Die."

Repeated in my head. I screamed at the top of my lungs but I couldn't hear myself scream. There was a gag in my mouth. I begged and begged and begged for him to stop. Tears running down my face. I had no hope.

No light.

"James! Stop please! Wake up!" Reynolds said to me, pushing against me. Tears stream down my face and I look at him confused. Furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's okay. I'm here. Please...


Wake up!" I heard a voice say from beside me. I sit up straight in my bed. Breathing heavily, the seat around my body making the sheets stick to my skin. I take a deep breath and look next to me. Thomas is looking at me with great concern in his eyes. I feel my neck.. no bump, no scab or any mark. I take a breath of relief and shake my head.

"Did you have another nightmare..?" Thomas asked me gently. I nod and look down in my lap. A stray tear falls down my cheek. I feel Thomas put his arms under me, and pull me onto his lap. I situate myself onto his lap, facing him, and set my head on his bare chest. Listening for his heartbeat. This has become a daily thing... nightmare, calm me down, fall back asleep, feel guilty. I sigh and press myself into him. He chuckles and runs his hand through my short hair gently. I felt uncomfortable because I didn't wear my binder to sleep. Thomas had been making sure I didn't sleep with it on, or keep it on for too long. He traces his hands down to my lower back and I shiver from his cold hands.

"What time is it?" Thomas asked me. I shrug.

"If its past midnight, it's officially December." Thomas states.

"What the hellllll." I say, muffled because my cheek was pressed against Thomas' chest. He laughs at me quietly.

"The year has gone by so fast." I mumble. He nods his head.

"We started dating almost 2 months ago.." I realize. It feels like yesterday when we shared our first kiss in the flower field.

"Yeah.. and Christmas is coming up." Thomas tells me.

"Where did time go?"

"I don't know and don't want to know. As long as I can spend most of my time alive with you."

"Are you proposing to me or something?" I laugh and feel my face heat up.

"One day I will~" he flirts. I hit his arm playfully. He lays back in the bed, taking me with him. I fall onto his chest and giggle, I lay on his chest and close my eyes.

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now