Chapter 12

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James' P.O.V.

  "C'mon JJ. You can do it." Peggy encourages me. Right now, I'm at her house in the backyard with Thomas as well. Seeing if I can get some sort of control on my magic. My magic right now is extremely unstable. It would act up randomly. I even almost shot Peggy with a light ray. I take a deep breath and slowly take the tape off my hands. Thomas nods at me and makes a black shadow shield stand in front of me. I hold my hand out at it make white light come from my hand. It goes straight through it and almost hits Thomas. The light scatters almost hitting the house and Peggy as well.

"Goddamn it!" I scream, kicking the grass. We've been practicing all day and I still can't control it. White light comes from my hand again, making the grass turn frozen. I growl at myself and ball my hands into fists.

"JJ! Calm down! Your going to strain your magic again! Your eyes are white." She yells for me. I get even more mad at myself. I stomp over to a bench and sit down. I grab the white tape from the sidewalk. When my powers are so unstable, I can't control them and it's painful.. I start to tie tape around my hands tightly.. maybe a little too tight. Thomas and Peggy sit next to me.

"JJ.. redo that." Peggy demands, seeing my skin was bruised at how tight I would put the tape.

"No." I snap back, still tying it. Suddenly, Eliza opens the back door.

"Um.. guys? Someone is here to meet James." She tells us, while adjusting her sunglasses. I tilt my head.

"Do you know who it is?" I ask her, completely confused of who would want to see me.

"James we need to talk.. in private..." Eliza says biting her lip. I nod slowly and follow her inside. She takes off her sunglasses, I stare into her purple cat like eyes.

Purple means fear...

"Who's at the door?" I ask her worried.

"James.." she begins but looks away..

"Just tell me." I say, losing some patience. Who was it?

"James, it's your mother."

Thomas' P.O.V.

  "What was that about..?" I ask Peggy, now looking over at her.

"It must be serious.." she mumbles.

"Should we look to see who it is?" I ask, really curious. Peggy gets up and motions for me to follow her. We creep up the side of the house and see James yelling at someone.

"I'm not going back with you!!" He screams at a women. She had dark skin and looked older. She had black hair with grey at the roots of her hair.

"Jamey, you have power now! We can finally use you!" She tells him. How does she know him? Use his power?

Wait.. Jamey?

"No! I'm not being part of your little experiment!" He screams back. This doesn't look good. The girl rolls her eyes. I look to Peggy and she looks ready to cry. I grab her and pull her back.

"Who is that??" I ask her quietly. A tear slips down her cheek as she holds back a sob.

"J-James m-mother.." she responds..

This can't be good...

James' P.O.V.

"Oh so now you find out I actually have powers and you want to use me!?" I scream at my mother. She works for a facility where they drain people of there power and experiment on people to see if they can make people superhuman. This can result in death. She wanted me to take it over one day. She's absolutely insane.

"You are my "son"!" She says using air quotations, "And you will listen to me!" She screams. I stay silent and turn from her and ball my hands into fists. This can't be happening.

"Don't make me get your father involved in this.." she says, and I can feel the smirk plastered on her face burning into my back as I flinch.

"He's not my father and you're not my mother!" I scream turning around to look into her eyes. She seems taken back by this.

"You're coming with me," she says grabbing my arm. A white spark comes from my arm and shocks her. I glare at her as she flinches back.

"Mrs.Madison, please leave him alone." Peggy says, stepping out from behind the house.

"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?? I can do whatever I want!" She spits out. Peggy gets an angry look on her face.

"Get off my property." Peggy snarls. My mother just crosses her arms, not making any signs of moving.

"Alright, you asked for it." Peggy said, taking off her glove. Wait...

"Peggy no!" I say, before I can do anything else she grabs my mothers arm.

When Peggy has skin on skin contact.. her mind screams with information of the person she's touching. She can control their mind.. but it's very deathly to Peggy. But once she starts the process... there's no stopping her.

"ELIZABETH! ANGELICA!" I scream for her sisters. I watch Peggy.. my sister... the color slowly drain from her body. My mother and her are making eye contact. Peggy destroying her thoughts. Her sisters run down the stairs and gasp at the sight. They run up to Peggy and start screaming at her with worried expressions. Tears formed in her sisters eyes.




The rest was muffle as I stepped back and watched the scene. Everything seemed to go fuzzy.. the only thought in my head was

My sister is going to die

My sister is going to die

Margarita Peggy Schuyler is going to die

This is my fault.

"James what's happening??" Thomas asks me as I sob.

"Peggy is going to die.. she's gone she's going to be gone.." I mumble to myself. I feel Thomas hold me back and hug me, trying to get me away from the scene.. Peggy starts to bleed from her ears, fingers, nose, and mouth. I let out another sob as the color drains from her face. She falls backwards, releasing my mother.

Everything seemed to blur..

And I heard sirens going through the air...

Magic can be good... (Jeffmads-Hamilton  Modern Au, [I DONT OWN THE ART])Where stories live. Discover now