Chapter 1-Who is That??

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My phone rang,and when I checked it,a friend of mine on FaceNote posted a new photo.

"Cool!A new photo!Hmmm....let me see who liked this..."
Said Ela to herself

The photo contained of a family photo of her FaceNote friend."Wait a second,SHE HAS A BROTHER?!!??IM SHOOK!"
Her brother was tagged on the photo and it says:

......-Carl Moore and 3 others are tagged in this photo

"What?Thats his name?Hmm anyways,I guess I'll get to see him during our event this Saturday in school!I'm going to make sure thats her brother because TBH I never knew about him and stuff sooo yeah!"Ela once again told herself.

That night,she can't stop thinking about Carl Moore....She kept on daydreaming until she slept.The next day,a Friday,she kept silent about what she daydreamed about last night.Her team had practice for the event on Saturday which is tomorrow.She tried her best not to tell anyone because she knew everyone would "tease" her just because of a new boy she saw in the recent post.

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