Chapter 35-Two Pairs Of Lovebirds

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Ela woke up the next day.She remembered last night.Was she really about to get kissed?
Last night was over so she thought of messaging Carl.


hey goodmorning❤️

"Whoa he placed a heart?"Ela thought.

wow you placed heart❤️


well we're busy today we have to record the lovebirds


um i meant Nick and maddie

i know im just kidding

well see u later

well yeah gonna be nice seeing u later:)

Ela then rang Maddie.


"Hey, what's up."

"Do you wanna come over?"Ela asked.

"Okay sure,what time?"

"Maybe at 4pm?"

"Okay,see you."

Ela prepared her phone for the audio clip taking before Maddie comes.

Maddie arrived at Ela's house.She grabbed Maddie's arm and rushed into her room.

"So how was your dinner with the Moore family?"

Ela blushed so hard.
"It was great!Carl and I held hands.We were almost about to-"

Maddie smiled and hugged her friend.

"By the way I saw Nick and his little brother.I gave him ice cream."

"Aww that's so cute."


"Speaking of Nick I unfollowed him on FaceNote."

"Wow you really wanna kill him."

"Not exactly.There's still hope that you'll be together."Ela said while checking her phone.

"Wait...he blocked me!Such a loser!"she continued.

Maddie laughed at Ela because she likes seeing her friend annoyed.

"So did Nick text you?"Ela asked.
Maddie just shook her head.

"I feel really really bad.There has to be a way to fix this."she thought.

Then Ela had her serious face on.Or at least tried to have it on her face so Maddie wouldn't catch her recording her.

"Please be honest with me,do you still hate Nick?" the recording has started.

"To be honest,I don't really know.
The other side of me hates him but the other still likes him and when he just glared at me at the park, my heart was beating fast.The feeling was new to me.I never had a crush before but when I saw him,I didn't know I would be blushing and for my heart to burst.When he told Olivia what he did,it made my heart shatter in to a lot of pieces,I was too late.But I feel like he didn't mean to say those things.He betrayed me but he must've been ordered to by Olivia to that."

Maddie paused for a minute and she realised
"Ela....I still like him"
Ela didn't scream becausebshe knew that it was in record.So she just smiled.
"It's okay Maddie,the feeling was new to me too but I hope that Nick didn't do those things on purpose"Ela said.

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