Chapter 22-News

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Maddie burst out laughing for five minutes straight.Ela was not yet actually asleep,she was just lying down in her bed thinking about random stuff until she remembered something that Maddie said something about Carl wanting to hangout with them this summer,she obviously had to reply.

"If you think he's a g...i dont wanna say the word,HE is NOT i saw his room and it was all blue and full of boy stuff,he even plays a lot of boy games like basketball,zombie video games.."Ela left the reply.Maddie was too sleepy so she just slept with her phone on her hand,which was off.

It was the next day which was a Tuesday.A couple more days until summer!

"Yes,yes,yesss!Finally Tuesday!Can't wait for summer."Ela said,then sighed.
"Hey,Ela,why did you not sleep on our curfew last night,huh?"
Antha suddenly blurted out in front of their parents.
"Ummm,no I wasn't!"Ela defended.
"Yes!Yes you did,you just don't want to admit it!"Antha replied with her bad morning attitude.
"Ugh,how many times do I have to say this!I DIDN'T!Alright?"

"Okay,hold on girls,stop arguing in front of the food,you'll be late for school and service."Minda told them while placing a plate full of pancakes onto the table.

Antha mouthed to Ela,"Yes you did!".
Ela just rolled her eyes and started eating.

The service finally came and the two sisters did not sit together.Once they've reached Maddie's house,Maddie rushed to Ela,who was wearing her earphones.

"Psst!Hey!"Maddie called Ela's attention.
"Oh,hey!What's up?"Ela said forgetting about everything last night because she did sleep late,past their curfew.

"What do you mean 'what's up'?Don't you remember anything I told you last night?"
"Uhhhhhhh--"Ela kept thinking.
"Okay,here's the thing.Remember I told you that Carl wanted to hang out with us this summer?"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,that...Well,--WAIT IF YOU THINK HE'S A G,YOU KNOW THE G WORD THAT I KNOW YOU WERE THINKING LAST NIGHT NO HE'S NOT.Hope you got my message last night."
Ela said.
"Oh,h-how'd you even kno- you know what,nevermind."
Ela stopped listening to her songs and asked Maddie something.
"How did he ask you last night?"
"About wha--Ohh,right THAT."
"Oh okay so...He started the conversation like this,
"hey?do you have any plans this summer?",and I was like,"oh,uhhh hi!yeah i actually do but not much.why do you ask?" then here comes the part when he says about the hang out thing."Oh,i see,i just wanted to hang out with you and your friend!" then I replied,"who is that friend?" then he said "your friend,ela" then I was like "ohhh yeah!right her!i'll ask her" then he just sent me a freaking thumbs up."
"Oh wow.Okay.Uhh when will the hangout be?And where?"
"Oh yeah,forgot to mention that part!He said it's up to YOU where you want it to be,since his whole fam decided that it's fine as long as it's gonna be on next week's Tuesday!Since he has swimming trainings.Oh,a week from now!"
"Oh,I'll talk to him about it later....Oh Maddie!"
"Wha?"Maddie said when she was just about to listen to her songs.
"About hangouts....Chloe invited me to her house this Saturday and told me that I could bring a friend.Do you wanna come?"
"Uh,SURE!Seriously no doubt,I seriously wanna roast her."
"Pfft,hahaha stop."

Five minutes later,they finally reached school.Antha went to her classroom on her own;even if she struggled carrying her things.

"Goodmorning,class!"Ms.Carter greeted her advisory class.Ms.Carter is always modest with what she wears but always on fashion point everytime.
"So,today,you will be receiving this letter from the school regarding summer classes if you want to join some classes such as art class which will be taugh to you by Ms.Whotho,dance class which will be taught to you by Ms.Antonio and Mrs.George,theatre class by Ms.Lee,Ms.Trina,and me!This next summer class will not be in our school which means that it is an outside class.It is the swimming class which will be taught to you by Coach Ed.And that's about it for our announcement today!"
Ms.Carter announced to her whole class as she passed all the letters to everyone.

"Oh,and please submit the form if you want to join by Friday."

Ela's eyes widened so much when she heard that there'll be swimming classes which will be taught by Coach Ed.

She read the letter."Please give the form by Friday."she whispered.

One hour and fifty minutes has passed.The bell was freshly rang.
Ela went to the washroom first because she needed to wash her hands from the experiment they made during science.Maddie was there too.

"Hey!"Maddie said as soon as she saw Ela.
"Oh,hey there!....again."
"Do you think Carl likes you back?"

The phrase "likes you back" echoed over Hannah's mind because she was in one of the cubicles.She was shocked but at the same time happy.She knew that Ela and Maddie were talking because she always knew their voice.

"Ooh #CarEl!" Hannah thought in her head.She actually thought of Carl and Ela half of the day because of what Maddie said,"likes you BACK" which means Ela likes Carl and she just knew it right now.

Ela and Maddie went back to their classroom.
"Oof,wait here,I'll just have to get tissue for wiping my hands."Maddie said rushing back to the washroom.
"Hi,Maddie!"Hannah exclaimed when she just got out of the cubicle.
"Hi!"Maddie said back to Hannah.
"....oh no,no,no!"Maddie ran back to where she left Ela and it just made sense!
"Yo,Ela!I think Hannah heard us talking about Carl in the washroom!"
"Wait,I thought no one was there?"
"Well,she was there."
Both of them walked with speed going back because they felt really awkward.

"Hey!Ela!"Anica shouted,well a soft shout inside their classrooms.
"Hold on,just gonna get my food."
" gosh,so much people calling me."

"Okay,what's it?"Ela asked Anica.
"Well,since Ms.Carter told us that there'll be swimming classes this summer should I join?Since you know...James is there and I really wanted to join swimming classes before."
"Well,it's up to you,you know."
"I guess a hundred and sixty bucks will do for three months.And trainings are every Monday,Thursday,and Saturday."

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