Chapter 26-Tests,Smoothies and a Party:Part 2

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Both girls are now ready for Carl's party that's unknown-why-he-invited-people, well according to Ela and Maddie.

"Hey!I'm here!"Ela showed up who was next in line at the cashier.

"Oh,hey! Carl's here by the way,he dropped by to get milktea...with extra extra pearls."

"O-oh okay,I'll just wait for you here until you're all dressed up."

"Okay,give me five minutes.Also my apron is all messed up because of Carl."she winked at Ela.

Ela just sat down at one of the empty chairs.

"Hey,are you headed to the party now?"a voice asked.

"Oh,Carl I didn't notice you there."

"Well now you do."he said while sipping his milktea.

"Hey,how much is that?I wanna get one too."

"$5,$8 with extra extra pearls."he winked and goes home for the party.

Ela walked away to get herself one,"What the heck did he just do, I'm confused and nervous at the same time."she wondered.

"...oh hey Maddie,I'll just order milktea first."

"Oh ok sure,can I go ahead to your car?"she asked.

"Yeah sure."

Ela finally got her milktea and headed straight to her car and drove off to Carl's house.

"Bye mom,just text us when you're going to pick us up."

"Okay,bye!"her mom drove away.

"Okay,Maddie don't do anything weird here or don't even think about exposing me!Okay?"she told Maddie.

"Um okay but aren't you supposed to be the one not doing anything weird here?And you're already exposed,remember when Hannah heard everything at the washroom?"

"Well ok you're right and not helping with the situation but it's not even proven that she heard anything."

"Okay,just ring the doorbell."

Ela did,with her finger shaking.
The doorbell went ding-dong and Carl opened the gate.

"Hey guys!"he greeted.

"Oh hey,just saw you earlier at the shop."Maddie and Ela both said.

"Um yeah,well feel free to get any food you want."he said with his calming voice.

Hours passed by
"Omg am I actually hearing his voice again?!"Ela whispered to Maddie.

"Shut up, you're doing something weird right now."she replied while holding up her smile.

"Yeah,I'll get pizza and YOU stick me with me."

"Um why?"

"Because I don't know anyone here."Ela said, but Carl over heard what she said.

"Well,not anymore,here's Nick.My best friend.Nick this is Maddie and um E-Ela."

"Great!Now we both at least know one person here."Ela said,with an amazing idea, walking away

"Um where are you going?"Maddie asked annoyed.

"Getting pizza!"Ela said.

"Ugh,now I have to go sit on my own."

Ela saw Nick go towards Maddie.Seems like her "plan" worked.

Ela sighed,"Pizza is just the best thing evah."

"Hey,are you getting pizza?"someone asked.

"Carl can you stop scaring me,this is the second time.And yes I'm getting pizza."


"Oh sorry,I just have my head on something."

"What is it?"

"Hmm,nothing."Ela glanced at Maddie and Nick together.
".... they're talking MWAHAHAHA!"she thought.

"Do you want me to help you with all those pizza?"he offered to help Ela.

"Y-yeah sure."Ela said blushing and leaving Carl with all the pizza.

"Here you go."he said as he sat down with Ela.

"Your house actually bigger than the first time I went."Ela randomly blurted it out.

"Yeah, it's big.You should come over again."

Ela looked away and her eyes widened,"What is he talking about,I'm going crazy,I should calm down."

"Hahaha,yeah."Ela agreed nervously.

"Well I have to go to my friend."

"No! Don't go."

"Um what did you say?"

"Oh um,nothi- I said your friend is with Maddie."

"You're right."he said while walking to get juice.

"Wait can you just stay here?I'm a shy girl and I don't know anyone here."

"Yeah,I wasn't planning to go away,just gonna grab a bottle of juice."

"Oh.."she blushed.

"...hey where are your sisters?"Ela asked.

"Oh they are out with mom,girls hangout."

"Oh okay,do you wanna go to Nick and Maddie?"

"Yeah,we should."

"....unless you wanna hangout with the others?"

"Nah,I'm good."

They both walked towards them when Ela's phone rang.

"I'm here already, can't let you guys stay there too late because Maddie's parents might be looking for her already."

"Oh,Carl,my mom's here to pick us up already."

"Oh okay,well let's call Maddie now."


"...Hey,Maddie we have to go already."

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