Chapter 11-Long Story Short

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The next day was of course,MONDAY equals a school day.

"UGHHHH!"Ela shrieked out as her phone alarmed.
"Fix your bed first!Both of you help each other ha?"said their mom.
Antha was feeling better this time and can manage to go to school.When they came downstairs,they smelled eggs.Their Mom cooked scrambled eggs this morning!

*they were done eating breakfast and they took a shower+already wore their uniform

After wearing their uniform,they waited for their service to come.It usually comes at
seven o' clock am and they are most of the time,the first ones there.


The service's airhorn made a loud noise that made them know it was their service already.

This is their routine everyday,once they wake up,they fix their bed,eat,take a shower,wear their uniforms,and just wait for the service to come!

A few more stops then they're off to Maddie's house.
Once Maddie got into the service,that one look she and Ela made to each other means that Ela has to tell what happened last Saturday during the party.

"Hey!You have to tell me ha!"Maddie said,"Yes,yes I know that,later in school,I'll tell you."Ela said.

*they arrived school already and went to their classrooms

"Sooo?How was it?Hmmm?"Maddie asked with excitement.
"It went well--I-I mean w-we talked and--"
"NO WAY!YOU TALKED TO EACH OTHER?!????!"Maddie exclaimed right infront of her.
"Yes,I already told you that."Ela said while smiling,remembering that moment of her life.

As the gymnasts of the class,Lia and Mari arrived school (because they were servicemates too),went to Anica and Ela to talk about the powerpoint project.

Minutes before the bell rang,all students surrendered their phones and were placed inside this bag.

Their first and second subject was P.E.It was one of the fun subjects in school.It can also be tiring.

The gym where they played volleyball was near the canteen.
Some were practicing how to serve and recieve the ball as well.

The bell rang for the second subject,but it was still P.E for them.
"Water break!"Ms.Edward shouted as soon she finished blowing her whistle which was tied on an ID-like strap.

"Finally,water break was all I needed."Ela thought.
"Hey!Forgot to ask you,but how were things going last Saturday huh?"Lia asked with Anica and Mari with her.
"Oh,hi there!Yeah,about that uhhh....Okay,how do I say this?"Ela replied,"Okay sooo,we talked.."
"Oh wow!"Mari said.
"About what?"Anica asked with a smirky look in her face.
"About--ummm Maddie making him prank me and some other stuff."
"...oh and he got me a glass of water when I guess he heard me tell Carol and Alex and he also gave me my hanky when I dropped it."Ela said finishing her sentence.
"Water break's over!We've got ten more minutes on the clock til its your actual break!"Ms.Edward as she blew her whistle again.
"....aka,recess."she finished.

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