Chapter 16-Birthday Game

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Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday went very fast like a horse being tamed.So let's fast forward to Saturday.Saturday was the nineteenth of the month which was April.As Mr. and Mrs.Moore prepared for Hannah's birthday party,all siblings were in Anne's room,well except for Grace and Tanya since they were playing outside.

"Okay,Hannah and Anne,please don't make it too obvious for Ela to know that I like her or else she might avoid me and stuff like that,k?"Carl reminded his sisters carefully.
"Alright,we got it.."Anne said as she was giving her sister,Hannah a hairstyle since she's the celebrant.

On the other hand,Ela was prepping already,she just got out of the shower,and wore her outfit which consists of striped designed off-shoulders with a knot at the bottom and the high-waisted jeans that Lia lent her.
Then,she chats with her friends on Messenger:


Okay,guys,I'm ready!

R u sure that you're wearing the jeans i lent u?

Lia asked Ela to make sure that she'll look "perf" that day....

Ya,ya,i'am wearing them,good thing it fits me perfectly,tysm!:)



Okay,gurl you better look good!

Anica replied while Ela reading it,imagining it with Anica's normal tone when she cheers up her friends.

Mkay guys!gtg:))

And their conversation ended....
But Maddie suddenly messaged Ela as well....





Gtg now!


And that's it for the chatting session!As Ela wore her shoes,grabbed her phone and bag,she went down already with her mom waiting for her in the car.

"Are you ready to go??"Minda asked Ela,"Yes!I also got my gift for Hannah!"she replied.
"Nice,what's it?"Minda asked again.
"Oh Carl,um her brother!Yeah u-uuhh her brother Carl told me that she loves those kinds of flowy blouses if you know what I mean...So I got her three of those!"Ela said with mentioning Carl for the first time ever to her family,to her mom exactly.
"So tell me,how did you and Carl know about each other?"Minda asked curiously with a happy voice.
"Ohh ahaha,remember when we went to the team party about two weeks ago?We talked and became close friends..."Ela explained with a bit of a nervous tone of her voice as her mom drove her to Hannah's house while looking outside the window.
Ela and Minda arrived fifty minutes before the party since there is no.traffic on the way."Will pick you up at six-thirty or later!Don't know if traffic will come in!See you later!"Minda said waving to Ela.
"Yeah!Love you and see you later!".

"Oooookay,how do we do this?Right,right,we do it the doorbell way,phew,here we go!"Ela said softly as she pressed the doorbell button which made a soft satisfying sound--according to her.
The Moore house had a huge gate!Like it would reach five to ten meters,and right next to that gate was like this mini-person gate entrance.Both gates were paint matte black and gold painted diamond-shaped on each front of the gate.Ding dong,the doorbell made a sound.Ela felt nervous as she felt someone approaching the gate that is to be opened soon.
"Oh hi there!Seems like we've got our first guest!"Mrs.Moore greeted Ela with a soft and contagious smile.
"Yes,thanks,I'm Ela!"
"Well,come on in,Ela!"
The mini gate was soon opened and once she saw the decor of the party,it felt like she is in Coachella.Everything was so aesthetic.The walls lined with feathers on strings.And the paper cups which were pastel colored are lined perfectly on a short rectangle table.
It almost felt like a dream to her,imagine,she enters her crush's house,her schoolmates' house,and she was invited!

"Hiiiii!"said someone whose voice sounded familiar and when Ela turned back,it was Anne,greeting her as she was sticking the balloons on the walls.
"Oh,h--Hi!"Ela said very awlwardly which even if you heard it,you have the choice to run but luckily,Anne didn't."I love your blouse!Mmmm,where'd you get it?"Anne said eagerly
"Oh umm,I got it as a birthday gift last year!Well--um,my birthday's coming soon as well...."Ela said as she placed her shoulder bag on the living room couch.
"Oh,yeah,you can definitely put your bag in there!"said a voice again.It was Hannah this time,brushing her hair softly.
"Oh hi!Didn't see you"Ela replied with a nervous laugh,"Happy birthday!"
"Oh hahaha,thanks!"
Hannah said ending their conversation.
"Oh,oh,I can help there,Mrs.Moore!"Ela exclaimed as soon as she saw Mrs.Moore about to place the birthday cake into one of the  tables,struggling a bit.
"Ahh,thanks so much for that!Call me Tita or Tita Lindsay!"
"Sure,Tita Lindsay..."Ela said again with a nervous laugh.Mr.Moore was busy still running some errands left for the day and would be back by two-thrity pm.
Carl already knew Ela was there but then he was preparing himself to look very presentable as possible since there will be tons of guests and of course,he wanted to impress Ela l,well,just a bit.Well,if you didn't know,Carl was just a year older than Ela.
"And just one last brush....There,here we go,ahh finally done!"Carl was talking to himself all alone in his room while brushing his hair sideways which made a more appealing look.
"Hehey!Ela!Hahaha...."Carl was nervous;as much as Ela,since he's talking to her with his mom rught infront.
"Hi!Mom,this is Ela incase you didn't know....And Ela this is my mo--"Carl's voice suddenly stopped because of how Lindsay looked at him,making a sign that something was awkward.
"Yes,I know that."Lindssay said remarkably.
"Oh...ahaha"Carl said being embarassed while Ela tries not bursting into laughter.
"Oops,that was a bad start!" he said in his head.
"Well,anyways,hi,umm Carl!"Ela said trying not to be nervous and be more confident.

Carl just waited for Hannah and Anne who were afterall,just watching the whole scene sneakily.
Fifty minutes had passed and guests started to arrive little by little and so on.
The dinner was buffet style again.And the borders of the buffet table were lined with tassles and the other table with fairy lights.Ela just wished it could be like her thirteenth birthday celebration.Once she sat down and got her food,she forgot the give the gift which was still with her shoulder bag in the living room.She decided to get it and gave it to Hannah.Ela mostly got some pizzas because those are her favorite food.
"Three pizza slices,huh?"Carl asked as he sat down beside Hannah who was beside Ela.
"Umm,yeah,haha,I know,it's a lot but their my favorite..."
"Oh,yes,same here,except only got two more slices than you."
Since Hannah was between Ela and Carl,it was kind of hard for Crarl to speak to Ela but Hannah didn't mind.Mr.Moore just came in and he greeted his daughter a happy birthday.And he got food as well and sat down with the rest of the relatives that were invited.
Ten minutes later,the doorbell rang and there was this girl invited too.

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