Chapter 32-Family Dinner:Part 1

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They ran to go to Maddie's house and Ela and Carl saw Maddie fighting Liv.
It was very terrifying for both of them because it was their first time to see their friend like that!Nick was there also and their guess was correct.

"Maddie!Stop!"Ela shouted and grabbed Maddie to stop the fight.

It just got worse because Liv is talking back now.Ela expected everything to be fine since her cousin arrived because Maddie mentioned that they were really close.But no.

Lia and Anica were there too.They were shocked because it was the first time they also saw Maddie in a rage like that.But that was enough fighting because Maddie's dad told everyone to go home.So Ela and the rest we're not able to hear anything else.

Everyone left.Liv and Nick went on their separate ways.But Carl,Ela,Lia and Anica went together as a group.Maybe it's time for Carl to meet Ela's other friends too.

"That went so wild."Carl said.

"Yeah,I didn't expect everything to be that.And Maddie, whoa."Lia answered.

"I'm now so concerned with both of them."Ela replied.

"Yeah,and sorry we went at Maddie's even if you told us not to..."Anica answered.

"Speaking of that..."Ela rolled her eyes jokingly and giggled.

They just decided to cool off at Love Smoothies.It was the first time Anica and Lia went in there and they were impressed.
Carl went in first when Lia suddenly pulled Ela away from the entrance door.

"OMG!How are you guys?"Lia asked happily.

"Who 'guys'?"Ela said,clueless.

"Come on..."Anica pointed at Carl.

"Oh um he just apologized to me a while ago.So I guess we're fine now."Ela answered.

"And..?"Lia asked.

"What do you mean 'and?'?"Ela crossed her arms.

"Is anything happening between you two?"she continued.

"Um ew!No of course not.."Ela smiled.

"Yeah,whatever."Anica laughed.

"Come on let's just go inside."she invited her friends in.

They all ordered some snacks and drinks.But Ela just stuck with milktea,with extra extra pearls.
The table they sat at was the one beside the window so they were seen from the outside of the store.

"Well, let's get our heads off that incident first.What should we talk about?"Carl said when he sat down.

"Oh yeah we should.So??"Ela replied.
She still felt sick but she felt just a tad better.

"How about swimming lessons?"Carl asked again.

"OMG yes! I'm joining next month."Anica shrieked.

"Ugh thus girl's been bugging me about James."Lia rolled her eyes.

"Wait,you like James?"Carl was somewhat grossed out.

"Is there anything wrong?"Anica asked.

They all giggled quietly,"Nothing..."they replied.

"Well,as for Ela,I forgot to mention to you but my parents are asking if your family can come over for dinner?"he blushed.

"U-ummm..."Ela looked over at her friends and their faces looked like a yes.


"In our house, silly.This Friday at 6pm."he blushed.

"Oh okay..."she answered.
"Wait,what?He blushed?His family asked us over?"Ela thought.
"I thought he likes Liv?Whatever jusy go with this Ela and don't assume stuff."she thought.

The next day,which was Tuesday,Ela got up and felt hyped.So hyped.So she rushed downstairs and told her family about what Carl told her yesterday.

"Mom,dad?"she started.

"Yes?"her dad said holding today's newspaper.

"Carl's--I mean Han--I mean Car--Hannah's parents are inviting us over for dinner this Friday at 6pm at their house."she said.

"So what do you wanna do about that?"her mom answered.

"Um what?"her eyes widened.

"I'm kidding,yeah sure we can go."her mom said and her dad nodded.

"Great!"then she rushed back upstairs and changed her clothes.
She rushed downstairs and opened the door to leave.

"Um where are you going?"her dad asked while at the dining table.

"Honey, you're still sick!"her mom said.

"I'm fine now!"she rushed out of the door.

In reality,she wasn't that well yet but she was hyped for the day.And she doesn't know the reason why.It must be some sort of dinner thing?

Ela decided to take a stroll at the park where she and Carl met yesterday.But today she'll be meeting Maddie.It was unexpected of Maddie to be there because there has to be some way she's grounded from the fighting yesterday,right?

"Alright,maybe I should just forgive her."she thought.So she walked towards Maddie,sitting at the bench alone.

"Is this seat taken?"

"Look Ela,I'm really sorry for what I did to you.I should've never done that without permission."Maddie apologised.

Ela turned to Maddie to say that t was okay. "I realise that you were trying just trying to help and I am sorry for being harsh on you with my texts." 

Maddie smiled and said it was okay.

"So did you talk to Olive?"Ela asked.

"Of course not,I never want to see her again."they both chuckled."Let's talk about something, unexpected."she continued.

"Nothing unexpected  happened in my life, but what about you?"she asked.Maddie started laughing out of nowhere.Ela was confused with Maddie's laugh.

"What's so funny?"Ela asked.Maddie ignored and kept laughing."What is it?!"Ela shouted>

"I have a crush.."Maddie said quickly.Ela was still confused cause she spoke too fast.

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