Chapter 9-This is It:Part 2

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The food was good and tasted fancy!Ela loved how the pasta was al dente and the sauce was good as heaven.Beef stew was great too!Had a creamy sauce with soy sauce as the main ingredient for the it.

"Mmmm,this is good!Can't wait to taste another bite of that chocolate chip cookie that was homemade by Hannah Moore's family!"

Antha didn't talk much,she felt dizzy.After they ate,Ela and other team mates were invited to watch a video on a projector screen infront.
Minutes later,Carl went beside her with his phone.

"He's beside me again!"she told to herself nervously and because she was blushing and shaking,her hankerchief fell on the floor.As she reached to get it,there was a hand that reach into it too!It was Carl!Carl Moore!

"Ohh,tha-thank y-you!"going back to standing position because Carl got the handkerchief already.
"You're welcome and no problem at all!"replied Carl while smiling at her and while Ela was looking at him staraight into his eyes.
It was Ela's only chance to talk to she did.

"That's very kind of you!"Ela said being awkward and shy because she didn't really have any idea what else to say.
"Oh yeah--uh,great!..."

And they talked together....

"So do you know Maddie?Maddie Lopez??"asked Carl.
"Uhmmm yeah,she's my classmate and servicemate too,she was supposed to go here as well but she suddenly had to do some stuff today."
she shyly responded.
"Oh,she told me to prank you haha."Carl shared to her.
"Oh yeah,she always does that,why did she tell you to do it anyways?"
"I actually have no idea with her,she just told me to do so but I didn't really know what to say so I just turned my phone off."

As their conversation ended,they watched the video that the team prepared for the team party.Since they also talked together for a while,it lead them to sitting down beside each other while watching the video.
As the video was playing on the screen,Hannah his second older sister handed out chocolate chip cookies to everyone and soon reached
Ela and Carl.

"Here you go,Carl,Ela!"said Hannah as she winked to her brother knowing that he liked Ela too!As his closest sister,he knew everything about him.

On the other side of Ela was Carol and Alex.She told them that she will just get a glass of water.Since Carl was beside her as well and heard that she needed a glass of water,he told Ela,
"No,no,it's fine...I-I'll just get water for you,since I'll also need water mehehe."He just said that he will also get water just to keep it smooth.

"Keeping it smooth,huh?"Hannah asked Carl.
Carl laughed and was cut by his oldest sister Anne Moore.
"Hey!What's going on here??"
Anne asked curiously.
"Our little brother here is having his first crush,heh."said Hannah to Anne while smiling.
"Ooohh!Wait til Mom and Dad hears about this!"Anne replied shocked.

"So what was that about,Ela?"both Carol and Alex asked at the same time.
"Hahaha,that was just a short convo.But guess what!He heard me telling you guys that I need to get a glass of water and I'm guessing he heard me say it and decided to get me instead!"Ela exclaimed to them.

"Ahh,here you go,a glass of water."told Carl as he gave Ela the water.
"Thank you--again haha....."

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