Chapter 13-You Are Invited:Part 2

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Being invited to Hannah's birthday party was something Ela has never expected.She suddenly thought that maybe Carl suggested to invite her or maybe it's just her imagination.But,the real question is,how does it feel when your crush likes you back?

As Ela got home from school with Antha,she felt honored,like in a way that made her happy but in the same time nervous because she thinks that his sisters know that she likes Carl;and Carl likes her too,which they do know.

When she was done doing her Language homework which was kinda hard for her because it was something about logic,she kept thinking if she should message Carl on Messenger.
On the other hand,Carl was also thinking if he should message her as well,since he now knows that Hannah invited her.
"Hannah!Are you sure you invited the correct Ela?"Carl asked while he was lying in his bed,looking his ceiling and thinking if he should message her.
"Yes I did!For the tenth time!Why do you keep asking anyways?"Hannah said to Carl for the tenth time because he kept asking repeatedly.
Anne was at the other side of Carl's bedroom using her laptop which was black and shiny.She got that laptop when she turned fifteen years old.
With Anne on the other side,she just started to burst her laugh out because Carl's been asking the exact same thing over and over again.Ten times to be exact(which I've said about a hundred times in this chapter haha).

"Okay,I got it over,I'll message him with a hi--"
"Ela and Antha,come downstairs!Time to eat dinner!Call your dad too!"Ela's mom exclaimed as Ela was cut with her "plan".
"Are you kidding me right now?"Ela thought in her head."Okay,comming..."Ela said.

"So how's school today?"Antha and Ela's dad asked who opened the whole family dinner conversation.
"It's an "okay day" for me."
Antha said first.
"Today was fun!We played volleyball for P.E and Hannah,Hannah Moore invited me tk come to her birthday next week!"Ela reported to both of her parents."Can I come?"Ela asked as soon as she finished her answer.
"Sure!"both her parents replied.
"Where is it?"their mom asked."And what time?"their dad asked exchanging questions.
"Uhh,one-thirty til six-thirty pm and...."Ela answered as she was giving the piece of paper to her dad that has been in her pocket ever since she got home.
"Block 28 Lot 13C,Oakwood street,Greenhills Subdivision....Guessing,an hour away from our house,huh?"their dad asked,who was named Enrico.
"Don't know but I think?"Ela said with her fork on her hand as she was about to eat the potato on it."Oh and its on a Saturday next week."
"Mhm,mkay,I'll bring you there."her mom confirmed,who was named Minda.

After dinner,Minda and Enrico had a conversation about Ela being invited to Hannah Moore's birthday party.
"Guess school's ending great for Ela...."Minda said as she was washing the dishes.
"Hmm,guess so,Antha as well.She got an eighty over eighty-five in her final final quarterly exam on Science...."Enrico said being proud with both his daughters as he read the news on the tv amd drank his hot,sweetened coffee to energize him for his night work on his laptop.He is a hardworking man.

As soon as Ela took a bath and freshened herself,she recieved a notification message from "@Carl Moore" on Messenger.

                      CARL MOORE

Hi!What's up?

With that single 'hi' and 'what's up' that he said,it made Ela freak out to death.

Hey!Just got up from wating dinner.U?

Carl was stoked with chatting with her.

Nice,I also just finished eating dinner,now I'm playing some video games on my PS4.....

Oh cool,what games do you play?

Well,I play Zombie Run,which is the game I'm playing rn...I also play Basketball Groove which is my favorite and this new game that my friend,Klaus told me about.It's something similar with Roblox I guess

Wow,never heard of those but I do love watching movies and a bit of documentary videos.....I don't play any video games but wanna try it soon:)

As Ela sent that message,she pictured Carl and her watching a movie together......

Aww man!Video games are cool!Wanna try playing Basketball Groove with me when you go here in our house during Hannah's birthday?

Umm,sure!That'd be cool,thanks!

Btw,how do you know I'm coming??

At this point,Carl felt like his "plan" was ruined but he said to himself,
"Great,Carl!You've told too much!" he said as he facepalmed his face beautiful face and he had to think of an excuse....

Oh,my sister,Hannah told me that she invited you,hehe😅



As the chat ended,Ela felt something fishy with the "😅" emoji he sent but she didn't think much of it and fell asleep beside Antha who was still reading a book she had to finish.
With Carl on the other hand,who just finished playing Zombie Run,slept tight and smiled as he reached his bed.

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