Chapter 20-Awkardness Is Coming

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Ela knew that there is only ten minutes left before classes start.
"WAIT!Who is it?"Ela asked out of curiousity while walking fast.
"Well,he just said that he's your friend!"
"Oh my glob!Wtheck is Carl doing here?"Ela assumed.
She walked as fast as she could;almost like running.When she reached her classroom,no one was different there,only her classmates.
"Umm,where is my 'friend'?"
Ela asked while putting down her bag.
"He just went to the washroo-"
Gina reported but wasn't able to finish once again because he came inside the room rushing.
"J-James?Uhhh what are you doing here?"Ela was shook.
"I decided to drop by at your classroom since my sister, Alexa,is having this orienation thing here.She'll be studying here this coming school
year."James replied,in his usual awkward tone.
"Umm,okay?Hi anyways."Ela said with a bit of sadness because she assumed that it was Carl since Lilia said it was a 'he'.
"Mkay,well,bye!Gotta go!"James said ten secinds before the bell rang.

"Umm,girl,who was that?"Lia asked.
"Ohhhhh,uhh he was my team mate before when I went to swimming classes."
"Mmmmm,makes sense."Anica said.

Two hours passed and it is finally recess.Nothing much happened,just took down some notes for both classes.

"Geez,who was that guy you talked to a while ago?"Maddie asked.
"James,my old team mate in swimming classes before,but I already gave up....Any more questions?"

"Hey,Ela,what's the name of that guy you talked to a while ago again?J-John?"Anica asked for the second time.
"James."Ela said.
Anica was star-strucked the moment she saw James.Her eyes went bigger and could've dropped her things on the floor.
"Don't even think about talking to him,he is the MOST awkward guy I ever knew in my whole life!Geez,I could finish three stories in five minutes.He also spit in the side of the pool one time and it caught everyone attention!"
"Oh-well then,okay..."Anica didn't know what to say.
"Wait a second,please don't tell me you like him.Please please please!"
"I-I do!"Lia,Mari,and Maddie were shook.
"Knew it,everytime girls try to talk about him,I know it already."
"Well,he is handsome,but his glasses makes him look like a really awkward and nerdy."
Maddie shared her thoughts.Everyone suddenly looked at her.
"What?Just shared my thoughts..."she continued while munching on her hotdogs.
"Offensive,but I'll take it!"Mari admitted.

Recess was done and they were back to classes.
Anica couldn't stop daydreaming about James and it came to the point that their Literature teacher,Ms.Whotho made Anica snap out of it.

"Ms.Thompson!Yuhoo?Are you still with us?"Ms.Whotho asked,leveling herself down to Anica's seat.
"Yes,Ms.--Ms.,Ms.Whotho!The history of James is historical!"Anica exclaimed with confidence.The whole class laughed.
"Who's James?"Gina asked.
"Ooooo maybe her crush!"Kat Morice said and the whole class continued laughing.
"Okay,keep quiet now.Back to our topic!"Ms.Whotho tried to control her class.

The lecture continued and Anica tried to keep up.Ela was worried for her best friend,Anica.Once she is like a fan of something or likes someone,she won't ever stop talking about him.

Once Ela got home,she recieved a text message from Chloe and they had a quite conversation.

Chloe Martin

hey!how's your day??😊

Just like ang other day

hmmmm,mine's different from the other days especially when Carl is with me!i just hid him in my walking closet:)

WHAT?!Get him out of there!Now!This can't be possible!

Ela was worried at this point.
Carl was right,no one should trust her!She shouldn't even be talking to her right now.Worse comes to worst.Hold tight,everyone!

wow,relax there,girl!i was just kidding!

Wtheck.Don't ever do this again.


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