Chapter 3-Spreading the Word

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Anyways,she just went ahead to her friends and talk about school.
"OMG!Where did you go?"Anica curiously asked as Lia's face was trying to say the same thing.
"I-I uh,I went to the gym(where all activities happen like other sports) to watch the game!I was with the both of you but then after the game,you guys left so I loooed for the both of you.You guys are just here the whole time!"
Ela tried her best not to say anything about what happened earlier with Carl.

*2 days later aka Tuesday*

Her schoolmate,Mary rushed to the group of Ela (which consists of Anica,Ela,and their other friend Mari which is from the other team)in the school hallway.

"Heyyy!OMG I'm sooooooOOoooOoOooOOO excited to go to the party!I can get to see Carl!AHHHH❤"Mary
"So that is really his name..." said Ela on her mind.

It was dismissal time already and she still can't believe that Carl is really Carl!

That night,she was checking his FaceNote account if its the right Carl Moore,and yes it is.The entire night,she was thinking if she will say that she has a crush on him to her friends or not.
During lunch time of the next day,she suddenly decided to tell her group.
"Hey guys,uhh-so umm.."
she nervously started to tell the whole story.
"WHATTTT?!" replied Lia.
"Do you know Carl?Carl Moore?"

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