Chapter 24-Sing-Song

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It was the last day of school.Ela is finally happy but she still has her project for her music. Mrs.Wacks made her class compose their own song.

"Maddie!!Can you go with me to the high school faculty?I have to give my project to Mrs.Wacks."

"Ok sure whatever but I have to go to the washroom first."

"No,come with me!"

"Urgh fine."

They have to walk fast because Mrs.Wacks is a strict one.She leaves at 10:30am and it's already 10:20am.They still have to go across the whole school's building just to leave her project at Mrs.Wacks' table.

"C'mon hurry up!"Ela shrieked at Maddie.

"Kay--kay geez,I'm just fixing my hair."

"Um no time for that Mads."she then grabbed her arm and ran upstairs.

One floor left until they reach the faculty room.

"Okay um--Maddie,you knock,I greet the teachers to leave my project,okay?"

"No-no you kno-- Urghh okay fine!"

Maddie hesitated at first when thr door suddenly opened.

"Good morning,Mrs.Wacks here's my project,the one which I had to make my own song--and the others too."

"Well,good thing you passed it now, I was just about to leave already for my next class which is at 10:35."Mrs.Wacks said in her strict-teacher tone,carrying her teaching things; pencil case, notebook,
and music book.

"Oh um-haha well that's great,see you around Mrs.W!" Maddie said with a frightened tone in her voice

They both finally walked back to the cafeteria for recess.

"Well aren't you gonna tell me anything??" Maddie popped the question out of nowhere.

"Ummmm,ask you?Ask you what?"

"C'mon your song, what's it about?"

"Oh, it's nothing you don't need to know."

"Hmmm, I don't need to know or you don't want me to know?"Maddie said with a curious face on.

"Ugh fine.''

"Go on,go on, what's it abou- or who is it about.Hmm?Hmmmm?"

"Okay okay it's about um"


"It's about my feelings when I see him.Happy?"

"I KNEW IT!!!Well I didn't know it was about your feelings but I knew it was about him.Ha! I'm a mindreader."

They both ordered at one of the stalls at the cafeteria.Maddie only ate fries and bought iced tea.Well,Ela?She bought shawarma,corn dog,fries, chocolate milk,and fish 'n chips.

"Phew,got hungry from all thosr steps we took.We actually walked the whole building!"Ela said in her mind.

"Hey,what'd you think I got for my song?"Maddie asked.

"Hmm,I dunno,maybe an 'F' lol."

"Hahaha how dare you!"

"What's your song about?"

"Mine's about life being tall,cause ya know,me."

Ela just left a face saying "oh okay,you make me feel bad about my height but don't worry".

The bell finally rings.The next subject is literature.

"Ugh I didn't expect today's topic to be kinda boring."Ela whispered.

"Same."someone whispered,someone behind Ela.

She turns around to see who it is.It's Hannah.

"Oh hey, didn't see you there."Ela greeted Hannah.

"Hey!"Hannah greeted back.

" what's your song about?"she continued.

"Um, how'd you know?"Ela asked.

"Well,duh Mrs.Wacks always asks students from grade 9 to compose their own song around this time of the year."

"Oh okay."

"So? What's your song?"

"Um my song's about.Ummm all the food around the world."she answered with an awkward face.

"Wow, that's um,unique.I must say."

"Oh,haha thanks."she giggled and faced back in front with a chilly face.

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