Chapter 28-Cancelled Chloe:Part 2

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Monday finally came and this is the day Carl,Nick,Maddie and Ela go to the Grand Harbor Mall.

Ela just prepared a casual and comfortable outfit.

Ela sighed,"I like this outfit especially that I'm wearing a Stranger Things merch!".

Ela's phone rang,it was Maddie.

"Um,hey!Are you near already?"Ela asked Maddie.

"Yup,my mom's driving us, that's why we're a bit slow.Haha.And just finished my shift."

"Oh,I see.See ya in a bit."

"Yup see you too."Maddie said smirking.

Now the boys are just waiting at StarDollars entrance.Still playing  video games on their phones.

"I'll beat you Nick."Carl warned.

"Um no I'm gonna beat you!"

"And why is that?"

"Cos,I just did."Nick answered as they finished the round.

"Okay,enough of video gaming whatsoever.Do I look good now?And still look good with my outfit?"Carl asked while fixing his hair.

"Okay dude you gotta chill.We're not going on a date.Remember,this is just a hangout?"

"You have a point there,but um hey do you smell that?It smells really good!"Carl said while sniffing around.

"Oh it's me,I used the all new Axe men perfume.Haha,like it?"Nick said as he showed it to his friend.

"Woah,they have a new one out?"Carl said as he grabbed the perfume from him.

"Yep,gotta have the essentials with me."he said as Carl sprayed on some and Nick texting someone.

"Hey,who you texting Nick?"

"Oh umm, no one...really."Nick said nervously.

"Hmm is it Maddie huh?"Carl teased his friend.

"What, no... It's a just a friend of that I'll mee--"he cut whatever he was going to say himself.

"...oops."Nick continued.

"A friend that?"Cark asked out of curiosity.

"A friend that..."Nick was stuttering.

"...that--oh hey Maddie and Ela are here!"

"Where?--Oh hey yeah they are."

Carl checked his wrist,one of the parts where he sprayed some of the Axe perfume.

"Okay, it's still here."he said.

As the girls were walking Ela was calming down her self with Maddie's help.

"Okay,okay,okay Maddie do I look fine?Is my hair fine?Is my shirt on point?"Ela said as they were both walking towards Nick and Carl.

"Calm down,act normal everything's fine so shut up now before they hear us."

"Okay,I will."

They finally met Nick and Carl who were outside the entrance.

"Sorry we're late,I was still on my shift at Carl's smoothie place."Maddie said glaring at Carl.

"Oh no it's fine,well let's go in now."
Nick said smiling at Maddie.

"Whoa what's with Nick?He looks so umm,extra nerdy today."Ela whispered to Carl.

"I don't know actually know, something's kinda off with him today."

"Um okay.."Ela replied.

"So um do you girls wanna go shopping or something?"Carl asked.

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