Chapter 10-What Siblings Are For

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"Hey,guess I'll see you next time?"asked Carl.
"Umm,yeah sure!That'd be great!"Ela said smiling because it was her first ever conversation with a boy that's just like her.

The team party was about to end.The whole team took a picture as a remembrance for that very special day,to remember for everyone.As in,everyone.

As the celebration ended,Ela and Antha went straight home with their parents.They just waited for the party to end because Antha felt sick,really sick.
They've reached home and slept.

The next day,was a day dedicated to homework.A never ending pile of homework.
While Ela was doing her homework,she also tried to memorize some words needed for an oral recitation.

She took a break from a three-hour homework-slash-study time.They ate lunch and used their phones for a bit.And did all their daily routine.One last hour for reviewing and that's it free time all day long.

"Geez,this is gonna take a while more."Ela thought.

*one hour laterrrrr

"Yes!Finally!The smell of relaxing and the smell of no-homework-zone!I'll have got to sleeo first,I got too exhausted from all those studying and homework!"Ela was talking to herself in a relieved way.She told herself to forget about what happened last night during the team party because knowing her own self,she'd be distracted a whole lot!

As she wakes up to a notification ring on her phone,she saw that Carl sent her a friend request on FaceNote!

"Should I accept it,or no?Hmmm because if I accept it,he might think that I have a whole lot of time for my social medias but if I don't accept it he'll have to wait..."
Ela was thinking hard.

"Heh,I'll just accept it,I'll do it either way...."

"Oh great!She accepted my request,now,what do I do?Should I message her or what???"Carl said to himself,confused.
Good thing,Hannah and Anne was there in the same room he was in.His two other sisters,Grace and Tanya were on a birthday celebration of their common friend,Sunny.

"Hey bro!Wassup?Anything wrong?"Anne asked as Hannah approached the two of them.
"Hmm,huh?Nothing!"he said awkwardly nervous to ask them what to say to a girl.Well it isn't his first to talk to girls but on someone he likes,here comes the chilly part.

"I bet you texted Ela huh?"Hannah said to him,
"Well--She accepted my friend request because I sent it to her like uhhhh a couple hours ago.Now she's accepted it,what do I do?"he asked and seeked for ideas from his sisters.
"I think she likes you back too!Remember?The way she looked at you last night?Oh that something good for a romance movie--well an appropriate one HAHAHA."
Hannah said then with a sudden burst of laugh.
"Wait,if she likes you back,then we'll make a way for you to be closer with her!So no need to text her.That's what siblings are for!"said Anne with a wink at the end.

"Hey!What if we go talk to
her--or maybe one of us to tell her she's invited to my birthdy since it's a week away from now,and in that way,one snao and you will be closer!Ya know like friendzzz.You guys need to talk more about yourselves by the way."
Hannah thought and told them.
"I think that's a great idea!You'll have to go talk to her tomorrow because you're inviting her!"Anne said.
Everyone agreed to the "plan".

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