Chapter 17-Birthday Game:Part 2

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Some people suddenly just stared at the girl who rang the doorbell once she got inside.This includes Ela and Anne.Hannah just came to her and welcomed her,while Carl,being annoyed since that girl was no other than Chloe Martin,his classmate who was such a brat and a mean girl.

(yes,i know,there's a mean girl of course!)

Carl kinda lost his appetite especially when there was a vacant seat on his right;on his left were Hannah then Ela.And also,which is the most important,Carl was the closest person Chloe knew among the people.
"Heyyyy,Hannah!Happy birthday!"Chloe greeted with a sharp and bratty voice.
"Oh yeah,thanks!Just get your food over there!"Hannah replied swiftly as she pointed out on the buffet table.But of course she had to look for a seat before she got her food since she has her "glamorous" bag with her.She found the perfect seat,the seat that was beside Carl.He immediately knew that this would happen especially she was just their neighbor,about five houses away.
Ela thought that it was dumb to ask but she had to ask it.This question which made her mind turn upside down especially that she had a bad feeling about her,Chloe.

"Who is that?"Ela asked Carl out of curiosity.
"That,oh my,she's just my classmate and our neighbor,five houses away.I know what you think,and yes,she is spoiled because she is the favorite granddaughter of her grandfather who owns our school out of six siblings.And her,she's the third youngest in her family."
"Whoa,that was long,but what made her the favorite?"
"Well,I guess it's because she has the most friends since she is popular around our school but mean."
"Oh,wow what a nice display on her,guess I'll meet more people in here."
"Yes!But try avoiding her,I'm telling you she is just not--"Carl wasn't able to continue what he was supposed to say because Hannah sat down on her seat with Chloe M. with her as she sat down beside Carl.He was pretty much annoyed because Hannah and Anne just wouldn't believe that she is a brat and mean girl since her fake attitude was something that could really cover up her inner self.

Once Ela was done eating,Carl as well,he invited her to play with him and try out the video games.

"So,which video game do you want to play first?"he asked shyly,
"Umm,up to you I guess?"
"Well,I think you should try Basketball Groove,kinda tough and challenging,but I'll teach you how to play it."

While back outside,Chloe asked Anne if she had seen Carl,Anne replied,"Hmm,hadn't seen him,maybe in his room?".
So Chloe tried in his room and with the door half open,she saw Carl and Ela,whom she described as a weirdo,having fun playing with him.
"Hmph,we'll see about that..."
Chloe said to herself quietly and joined them.
"Ummm,hey guyssss!Watcha playin'?"she randomly asked them.
"Oh no,she found us,here we go..."
Carl whispered to Ela.
"Oh,uhh-hey!Just playing BG.."
"What's BG?"Chloe asked as she sat down beside Carl and not the weirdo,Ela."Ugh,sounds disgusting!"she said in her mind waiting for Carl tl answer her question.
"Basketball Groove."
"Oh,uh nice?"she said stubbornly.

Ela was just concentrating when Chloe suddenly said,"Cool!
C-A-R-L Carl is the best!"she said that out loud feeling as if she's been the best cheerleader when on the contrary,she wasn't and which made Carl more annoyed and Ela being weirded out.
"Hey,uh,I hope Hannah like my gift to her!"Ela suddenly blurted to keep the conversation going but better,
"I sure do hope she likes it too,what is it anyways?"
"Oh,three flowy blouses..Like the ones you said."
"Oh yes!She would love that!As she was just expecting some people giving her some on her birthday."

Chloe seemed out of place so she decided to go out and do something 'not nice'.
Ela and Carl heard that it was time for Hannah to open her presents.She got a few lots.Once she was reaching for Ela's gift,Ela's heart was pounding because she thinks Hannah might not like it.
"Oh wow!Finally something I've been wanting to see from the gifts I've recieved!Thank you,Ela!How'd you know I liked these?"she asked.
"Ohhh,Carl just told me about it..."

Next one was from Chloe,it came in much bigger gift bag than Ela's but it's a box this time,bigger.This made Hannah excited that Tanya,Grace,and Anne were so excited to take pictures of.
Once Hannah had opened it,it was a shiny and sparkly silver wallet.
"Hmm,top,THAT!"Chloe whispered which Carl heard.
"You're welcome!"Chloe said,
"What?"Hannah asked with confusion,thinking if she thanked her already,
"I said,"you're welcome!"!"
"Oh,umm,yeah,right,thanks!"Hannah was turned off because of Chloe's attitude.Tanya just laughed quietly as Grace stopped her because they both knew that Hannah was confused.

And here comes the grand present from her parents.Something she's been needing and wanting for a long time,she opened it carefully because her dad warned her that it was fragile.
"Ooooh!What is this?"Hannah asked because it was very heavy.It was in a huge rectangle box.
"Just wait and see."her mom replied.
"Wow!Thanks mom and dad!You really got me a laptop!"she thanked her parents cheerfully as she hugged them really tight.
At that point,Chloe had a very bad plan for Ela since she really hates her because she also liked Carl!Even if he had feelings for Ela and Chloe knew but,Ela's still just a weirdo for her.And,a complete loser.

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