Chapter 41-Goodbye Maddie:Part 2

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It's the day Maddie will leave.
She has probably packed her clothes into her luggage.Went to her car and listen to songs.That's what Ela thought while writing her caption for her FaceNote feed.

If it wasn't for you,I wouldn't be with my crush lol.Have a safe flight 😊.

She typed in her laptop.She also posted all her photos with Maddie in it. Whether they were having fun in snow,baking with their friends,hangout with friends,their pictures with Nick and Carl,when they went swimming for Ela's birthday,when they went at the movies for Maddie's birthday,and of course a handful of photos from her farewell party.The list could go on.
It was 11am that time.Ela was still in her pajamas and her signature "I woke up like this" hair.She was wearing her favorite shirt when she was thirteen years old.It still fits her because her mom always buys them a bigger sized one.Back when she didn't know anything about clothes and style.

*3 weeks later*

Ela got in at Ed's swimming class and she's doing pretty good.In just a week,she masters four styles of swims.She also met some friends from the class,Ellen and Nicole.They both been in the class since last year.

"So how are you and your boyfriend?"Nicole teased Ela as soon as she saw Carl go out of the men's washroom.They were at the swimming pool area where they got taught the lessons.He was just wearing swimming trunks.Usually,Carl appears when Ed is there already.

"Remember our deal?No boyfriend talks during training.So not now Nics."Ela said while grabbing her towel out of her duffel bag.It contained all her swimming stuff.

"Hey,I have to tell you something.Actually my dad only."Carl said to Ela.

"W-what is it?"she looked up at Ed.

"I've noticed that you've been doing really good in our trainings.Even mastered several skills in just a week!So I'm inviting you to go to Los Angeles next year during summer again.There's this competition and I think you're perfect for it.The whole team will be there."he explained.

"Oh that's cool!For how long is it?"she asked.

"It's for two months.So it's mostly going to eat up your summer time.But I hope you go."

"Oh,um I'll ask my parents."she answered.

After that, everyone did their warm routine and then started with the session.It took about three hours.

Ela got her towel and wiped herself dry,got her clothes and took a bath in the girls' washroom.Ellen and Nicole followed after.They are fraternal twins actually.But theh do have different birthdays.Ellen is older born on January 7 at 11:56pm.Nicole is obviously the younger one born on January 8 at 12:02am.But their voices do sound the same.

..I'm inviting you to Los Angeles next year...
it echoed in Ela's mind.She remembers someone.

"She'll probably be a star the next time I see her."she thought.
Ela got changed.She wore shorts and a baggy shirt because it's really hot.She also bunned her hair.

"Hey!"Carl said.

"You know what,you will scare me to death How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that!"Ela smiled.


"Wait,your dad said that the competition will be in LA?"she asked.

"Um yeah."

"As LA like Los Angeles?"


"As in Beverly Hills?"

"Yeah what's going on?"

"As in the Hollywood tourist spot?"

"Yes!!Why are you asking so much?"he got annoyed.

She gave him the look.
"Oh..."then he remembered.
"Maddie..." he continued.

Ela nodded and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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