Chapter 27-Cancelled Chloe:Part 1

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Nick and Carl are getting along with Maddie and Ela.So Nick decided to have a hangout with the three of them at the Grand Harbor Mall this Monday.

Nick was having a sleepover at Carl's so he talked about the hangout with Carl.

"Hey,do you think we shoukd invitenthe two girls to hangout with us on Monday?"Nick asked.

"Who girls?"Carl asked.

"Duh,Maddie and-"

"Ela!What time tho?"

"Maybe 3pm?"

"Yeah,I'll tell my parents about it."

"Okay,same.We should text Maddie and Ela now about it."

They both texted them and it took them sometime to reply because this is what happened:

Ela recieved a message from Chloe about her inviting Ela to her house.

hey sorry but i had to cancel our first hang tom☹️

oh okay, it's fine

Ela replied with relief because now,she didn't need to go over at Chloe's.Now,she has to text Maddie about it.

hey mads sorry to tell u but we can't go at chloe's anymore tom

ugh,so now i can't roast her?

HAHAHA well she didn't say the reason why but yeah


Then meanwhile,Maddie and Ela were added in this groupchat on Facenote.

Maddie saw the notification so she decides to ring up on Ela.

"Hey,did you receive a notification from FaceNote?Saying that we're added in this groupchat?"Maddie asked.

"Hmm,yeah I did as well.Let me check it."


"Wait,there are four of us in it.Including a Nick Evans and...Carl Moore?"

"Wait what?So we now have with both of them?"

"Well,I guess so."

"Wait,did you do this?"

"Why do you think I would add them in a groupchat?I'm not that type of girl,really."


"Hey can we just video chat?"

"Okay,hey Ela!"


"Wait up,someone's typing in the groupchat."

" "hey it's nick,carl's friend do you wanna hangout with us?this monday at 3pm Grand Harbor Mall?" "Ela read out loud with Maddie on video call.

"Wait yeah,I see the message too.Well are you going?"

"I want to but I still have to ask my parents."

"Yeah same.Wanna ask now?"


They both went to their parents room and asked the same question.

"So,what'd your parents say?"Maddie asked.

"My dad said, "Well what will you even do this summer?Yeah you can go." and my mom,"Yeah, it's nice to open up and have friends you know." "
Ela imitated the way her parents agreement.

"Haha well mine said yes too,and my mom said she could drive us there."
Maddie answered.

"Well,now maybe we can reply to Nick's massage?"


yeah sure we could go


GREAT!see ya guys!

"Well now at least we could hangout with them."Carl said with relief at Nick.

"You have a point."Nick answered.

Everything is now planned.Except for one thing.

"Hey so what arr you gonna wear?"Ela asked with the video call still on going.

"Hmmm I don't know yet but I' probably come up with the idea last minute.Lol."

"I wanna wear this red dress,Maddie.But I think it might look too formal."

"Hmm,yeah it is.How about that blue blouse?"Maddie suggested.

"Ugh I don't like that one."

"Then why did you even get that in the first place?"

"I don't know."

"It's not as if we're going on a date."

"As if!Carl is gonna be there and Nick as well."

"What's with Nick?"

"Oh you know it Maddie!"

"For the last time,I don't like him that way!"

"Oh sure Maddie."Ela said.

The video call finally ended and this time,the guys couldn't stop talking about the awaited hangout.

"What do you think would happen,Nick?"Carl asked while they
are playing video games.

"..and I score!"Nick exclaimed.

"Hey, Nick!"

"Yes what?"

"I said what do you think will happen in Monday?"

"What's with Mon- Oh you're gonna see-"

"Yeah...Well thanks for that suggestion of hanging out with them."

"No prob,I know what you like,Carl."he winked at him.They both laughed.

"....and a surprise that you might want."Nick murmured.

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