Chapter 36-Alone

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Ela was surprised with what happened.It was her first kiss.

"Change of mind,I want some milk tea."she giggled.They held hands while walking to Love Smoothies.

"I'll just make it a take out cause I think my sister made a mess again.I'll be the one to clean since I'm supposed to be the "responsible" one."Ela said.

"Yeah,I'll pay it for you."he replied.


Carl gave the payment to the cashier lady,Agnes.She's one of the oldest staff of their shop.She's been working there for three years.

"Wow.You do know I like it with extra extra pearls."Ela said happily.

"Yeah.What kind of boyfriend would I be if I don't know anything special about you."then Ela smiled at him.

"Well,see ya!"she waved at him.

"What do you mean see ya?I will walk you to your house."Carl said.

"Wow you levelled up now that we're together."

"Boyfriend duties!"

Then they left the shop with Ela holding the milk tea.The shop also started to close since it's getting a bit deeper in the night.

"Thank you, like really.You didn't really need to pay for it.I have daily allowance."

"Nah,it's fine.It's my first treat for you as a couple."

Ela was delighted with Carl's actions but it shouldn't fool her.Anything could happen in a relationship.They continued walking on their way home.It was the first time it was windy during a summer night.Then they finally arrived the front of Ela's gate.

"Thanks for tonight again."she thanked.

"No I should thank you.You mean the plan."

Ela made a look at Carl."Fine, you're welcome."he replied with her look.They hugged and Ela opened the gate.It made a pretty loud screeching sounds.

"Don't you wanna come inside?Drink water or something?"she offered.

"I'm good."

"Come on.It's not like this is a haunted house.Besides my parents are on a date."

"On a Sunday?"

"Yeah they always find time for theirselves once a week.They'll come home tomorrow night."

"Okay fine.Let's go."he laughed and grabbed Ela's hand.

They entered the house and turned on the lights.The house kinda looks scary without the lights on.Almost like a haunted house.

"Wow it's my first time to be here."Carl said.

"I know, scary right?"she answered.

"Well it would be manly of me to not be scared but-"

"But what?"

"Okay,I'm scared."

"Wouldn't be surprised.Be careful, you might see some scary things here.You might even see shadows upstairs..Boo!"

"Stop!You scared me."Carl said.

"I'm kidding, now I know who the scaredy cat is between us."she winked.

"Seriously now?Where's your sister?"

"Oh,she went to a sleepover with her friends.Can't believe she'll be in high school this year."

"So we're the only ones here?"

"Yeah.You're right.I didn't think of that."

"Hey there's one question I've never asked you."

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