Chapter 32-The Opposite of Yesterday

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The next day was different.Let's just say that no one had chatted in the groupchat,everyone started fighting and hating each other,and this is all because of one person.
The person that Maddie trusts.Liv changed everything.

Ela stopped visiting the shop.But that day,they were awarding the employee of the month.Maddie did a great job for her first month and bagged the employee of the month.There is just something off with Carl.He now barely talks to anyone and just keeps texting on his phone.Nope,not in his group with Nick,Maddie and Ela.But with Liv.And that's the moment he knew the truth.Texts and calls made his phone ring the whole day.

Maddie often ignores what people are doing so she isn't suspicious of anything.But Nick called,panicking.
"Carl is in love."he said.

Maddie was confused,"Isn't he already in love?"
"No,his first crush was your could.This isn't gonna turn out great."
he replied.
But Maddie insisted that her cousin won't do anything that would cause a conflict.She didn't listen to Nick.

Hours passed by and Ela was devastated.She knows that everything was just a set up.It was because Liv was hanging out with Maddie the night they surprised her.Maddie's laptop was on while she was taking a bath.Liv saw a notification from a private message from Nick that says "It worked.". So Liv became curious by what he meant and clicked on the notification.Then all the messages popped up.Liv grabbed her phone and took snaps of the conversation.Sent it to Carl.

"I know I should be happy that things were going great.But it was just a set up.Everything wouldn't happen if Nick and Maddie made us switch each other's stupid love letters."Ela said to herself.She couldn't take it anymore.She wanted text Olivia first but she didn't want to make things worse.So she decided to take all on Maddie.It was a very bad decision she made.

"This isn't gonna sound like me."she whispered.
She started typing.




She regretted what she just sent.She knew that it would make things worse.Especially for Maddie.Ela isn't the type who breaks people and just tries to take things down calmly.She just bursted in this one.
She didn't want to deal with this anymore and wanted to amend things with Carl.She cried through the night and slept through it too.

The next day,she woke up.Her chinky eyes were all puffy from all the crying.
She also didn't feel well when she woke up.

"Mom!"she yelled."I don't think I feel well."

"Wait,I'll get the thermometer."
Ela felt herself and she was sick-hot.

Her mom placed the thermometer and waited for it to make the beeping sound.After two minutes,it beeped.

"Dear,you have fever.39°C."
Ela just grabbed her blanket and put it over her while waiting for her mom to get her meds.

"Here,take these every four hours."her mom advised.

"Thanks mom."

She took the medicine and heard her phone kept on ringing.

"Ugh,what now."she grabbed her phone.

She saw,Carl and Nick were fighting over in the groupchat.

"Could this day just get any better."she thought.

Later that day,after the all the resting she took her phone rang again.

"Oh my god.If only I could get rid of my phone."she looked down at it and Carl was ringing her.

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