Chapter 15-School Attack

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The next day came which was a Tuesday equals one more month of school then summer!

Ela and Antha had the same.routine everyday.Woke up,ate breakfast,took a shower,wore their uniforms,waited for their service,and then off to school.But this day was quite different for Ela and her friends....

The moment they all sat down in their seats,thunder and rain created a duet together.It rained hard that their classes were about to get suspended but it suddenly stopped and had a very shiny day afterwards.That day was also the pictorial day for Hannah since she's having her moving up day in several weeks.

It was another lunch break for all students except for the class of Hannah since the whole day,they'll be having pictorial.As Ela and her three friends,Mari,Anica,and Lia walked to the canteen to eat lunch,they saw this man with his wife that looked familiar to Ela.It was Mr. and Mrs.Moore!
"Hi girls!"Mr.Moore greeted them,
"Hi!"said all four girls.
Once they passed by Mr. and Mrs.Moore,Ela asked,"Do you have any idea who they are?"
"Umm,no?Maybe they are just parents of our schoolmates?"Mari guessed with both Lia and Anica agreed.
"THEY'RE CARL'S PARENTS!GUYS!"Ela explained to them while trying to keep quiet.
"Umm,why are they here?"Lia asked,"Remember,Hannah's class are having they're pictorials today?"Anica answered."Yeah,right!"Lia responded.

When they were nearing the canteen,they noticed this sort of tall boy who was lining up to buy food.He stood out because he wasn't wearing uniform,Ela's school was private and only for girls,and he wore pants!Mari noticed to boy immediately knew who this was and made sense on habing Hannah's pictorial,and their parents are here!

"Guys,I think I know who this "mysterious boy" is..."Mari said starting the conversation.
"Who?"Anica asked while tying her hair since it was a hot and sunny day after the heavy rain came.
"Ohmy you are so dumb,it's Carl!"Mari said with a slight laughing voice back to them,most especially to Anica.
"Oh my globbing slime!"Ela said with her newly created "shookifying" term.
"Ahem,who should go talk to him?"Lia said while looking at Ela.
"What,me?No,no,no I'm good
here."Ela said with a voice that sounded sarcastic but she wasn't even trying to be sarcastic.

"Oh,hi there!"Carl said from afar noticing Ela as soon as he saw her.

"Oops,too late!"Anica said.
"Oh,uhm--h-hi!"Ela said without turning back anymore since he saw her already.
"So,what made you go here?"Ela asked while trying not to blush,shake,and laugh since her friends are just there "not" listening.
"First off,it's my sister,Hannah's pictorial and my parents decided to bring me here as well since I'm already having my summer break!Oh,and also bought these iced tea for me and my mom."Carl explained."Oh cool,yeah,my friends and I definitely passed by and greeted them on the way here to the canteen!"Ela said with a smile.
Maddie saw Ela talk with Carl as well since she was sitting in one of the tables and chairs with her best friend,Lindsy.
"Ooooo guess who's talkin'..."
Maddie said while watching them have their conversation together with a smile as she sips her pink lemonade that she bought from the canteen as well.

"Well,guess I'll see you this Saturday?"Carl said,"Um,ya!Definitely,can't wait to try those video games as well!"Ela said back to him as he left the place.

"What'd you guys talk about?"Mari aksed as they all finally sat their chairs.
"Nothing much,really.Just a hi and hello and a bit of conversation,that's all...."Ela said as she muched into one of her sandwiches which ended with a smile.

Once the day was done,Ela was in the service already with some schoolmates and of course,with Antha who was listening to some of her top songs and Maddie saying,"Thought I wouldn't see what happened a whiel ago during lunch break huh?"Maddie said as she reached down for her phone.
"Haha,we just talked about some stuff and nothing else,guessing he's a kind son who bought iced tea for his mom."Ela replied back at her.
"Oh and I know this is totally weird but as you noticed,Lia rode here yesterday right?She went to my house and helped me with my Saturday Birthday Party Outgit for Hannah's birthday celebration!She lent me her high-waisted jeans just a while ago and told me to wear it on Saturday.She thinks it would match my blouse."Ela said.
The day finally ended and a new one would start,soon.

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