Chapter 34-Family Dinner:Part 2

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It was already Friday which means the dinner with Carl and his family will happen soon.

"Antha,what do you think I should wear later?"Ela asked her sister.

"Where?Oh to your boyfriend's house?"

"Um,yes their house,but no.Carl isn't my boyfriend."

"I didn't say Carl,Ela.Or meant Carl.Maybe he was just the one in your mind."Antha sassed.

"Ugh whatever I'll just ask mom."

Ela chose two options to wear which are basically pants and just shirt options.

"So what do you think I should wear mom?"


"What?But these are my best clothes!"

"Are you sure?How about use the one your Uncle Robert gave you for Christmas?"

"What did he giv-Oh!Yes! Thanks mom."

Ela rushed to her cabinet to find what her uncle gave her.So much clothes but luckily,she found it.

It was bought by her Uncle Robert with the matching pair of shoes from the picture.It was one of Ela's favorite and comfortable clothes.

"Perfect!Now it's time to take a bath."

Now everyone in the house is taking a bath to get ready.It's everyone's first time to meet each other so it has to be done in a proper way.

Ela took her time to take a bath because she planned to take a bath earlier than the usual.Everytime they go out, she's the last on to get ready.But this one's different.But she's been thinking about Nick and Maddie.

"How do I fix them?"Ela thought.
"....anyway I should stay out of this because this is what Maddie probably wants me to do but I think a bit of help won't do anything bad."

As much as Ela tried to be quick,she was still the last from her family to get ready.

"Let me just zip this up."she said trying to zip up the back of her jumpsuit.
"....Oh wait I can't do this by myself."
Ela called Antha to come and help her.

Antha zipped her sister's zipper and they were all ready to go.

Ela texts Carl to update him that they're on their way.

hey we're on our way

great we're just setting up some stuff here
i'll wait for u

oh HAHAHA ok

She blushed at the part when he sent the message "I'll wait for u".She just smiled and her dad drove their way to Carl's house.Ela just listened to her songs on her phone when she receives a message from Lia and Anica:

good luck with tonight,hope u have fun
-lia and anica

They were also one of the important people in Ela's life.They had so much memories from their younger years.
Even before she met Maddie at school.

They finally arrived their house.The moon that night was so beautiful.It was a crescent moon and the stars were very bright.Ela felt the same way as the first time she went to their house for Hannah's birthday.
Her mom presses the doorbell and Hannah's mom greeted them and let them inside.

"Hi!Nice to meet you.I'm Lindsay."Carl's mom greeted.

"Yes nice to meet you."both pair of parents shook hands and talked while waiting for everthing to be done and of course to build some topic for dinner.They were at the entertainment room.
Hannah,Carl,Anne and Ela just stayed in the living room and talked as well.
While Grace,Tanya and Antha played in Grace and Tanya's room.

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