Chapter 40-Goodbye Maddie:Part 1

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Chapter 40-Goodbye Maddie

After Carl and Ela's first fight,well it wasn't really a fight but let's just say it was a bit of a fight with an argument and missunderstanding,Heather messaged Ela.It was out of the blue, especially Heather and Ela never really had a conversation in messages.

hey!im planning to have a surprise 'goodbye maddie, we'll miss you' party for ofc,maddie tom,im inviting u! pls spread this news to our friends and tell them to keep it a secret, but just don't bother Nick.see u tom at 4pm:)

yeah sure,but why not nick?

it's a long story

Ela just sent a thumbs up and started texting their friends.She felt bad Olivia isn't invited, considering she's family but she knew what would happen if she was there.It will turn into a debating competition.

Now that everyone is informed,they have keep their mouths shut about it. They can only say it's a surprise when they all shout 'surprise!' at the party.

Ela woke up the next day at 10am and prepared herself to go to Heather's.She offered to help with setting up the party.It's the least thing she could do to contribute for Maddie's farewell party.
She decided to wear something purple since it was Maddie's favorite color.She remembered it was the first ever question she asked Maddie when they first met.
She wore black skinny jeans and of course her purple blouse.

She ate a sandwich for breakfast and drank milk.Then she went on her way at Heather's.

She just walked going there since it will just take her about twenty minutes of walk.Then she sees Carl's car pass by.

"Hey,where are you going?"Carl rolled down his window.

"I'm going to Heather,I'm helping with setting up for the party."she said while holding the umbrella.

"I'm on my way there too! Come in,you can ride."he offered.

Ela closed her umbrella and opened the door.She sat down in the car and it was so cold inside.

"What's with the purple thing going on?"Carl put his arms around her.

"It's Maddie's favorite color so I decided to wear purple for the party."

"Oh,I see.Look,I'm so sorry with what happened."

"Sorry for wh-Oh,yeah I don't wanna talk about it let's just stay positive."

"Yeah,my sister talked to me about it too."

Ela just stayed silent the whole time.She listened to her playlist.The first song that played was the one that she relates to about Carl.And she smiled at him.

They finally arrived at Heather's house.

"Whoa,this is such a nice house!"Ela's jaw dropped.It was her first time to go there.

"Definitely!"then he rang the doorbell.

Heather's mom opened the door,"Goodmorning Mrs.Feldman, we're Heather's friends and we are here to help her set up Maddie's farewell party."Ela greeted.

"Oh,you must be Ela?And this is the handsome Carl."she smiled.
She looked like a calm lady.
"Well,please come in.Heather is at the backyard."she smiled once again.

"Wow, she's such a nice lady."Carl thought.

"Yeah,also a calm one."Ela said.

"How did you know I was thinking abou--??"

"I'm a phsycic."

"Wait what?!"

"I'm kidding!"

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