Chapter 18-I Smell Trouble!

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Chloe was like a raging fire at the moment.
"Hmphhh!She likes that weirdo's gift better than mine!But it's time to call some help...."she thought as she walked out of the living room where Hannah opened all of her presents without anyone noticing,except for Grace,who thought of following her secretly.

"She'll play that way?I'll play my game the way I want!"Chloe whispered with a raspy voice as she was dialing her phone to call her partner in crime and friend,
Betsy Wert.The next meanest girl in their school who turns out to be Chloe's bestest friend,they were a match because of their behavior.Five principal calls this school year,yet they weren't expelled just because of Mr.Greg Martin,her grandfather,who threatens the principal and who ever the teacher was that made Chloe go to the principal everytime she had a call.

"Hi!What's up,girl?"Betsy asked through the phone.
"I need you to go to my house TOMORROW.Alright?Make sure you got that."
"Okay??What time?"
"Say eleven am?"
"Okay,gotcha.Have a great night there at Carl's!"Betsy said knowing she was invited as they both ended the call.

"Great night,yeah,such a GREAT night!"Chloe muttered but with Grace hiding in the bushes,she heard every single word Betsy and Chloe had told each other and she was curious about it.

"Heyy!Ela!I'm back!"Chloe said dumbly.
"Oh hey,didn't notice you gone...Anyways,where'd you go?
"Oh just called my friend Betsy,as in
B-E-T-S-Y."she said with her her smart cheerleader-like voice.
"Umm,okay.Thanks for letting me know!"Ela said ending their cinversation.

"Thank you to everyone who made it to my birthday!"Hannah said happily with her family by her side,as for Grace,she kept staring at Chloe curiously with her eyes narrowed.

The party ended and everyone left.Minda called Ela on her phone,
"Hey,uh,I'm so so sorry,Ela,I can't pick you up tonight,had an emergency call from work,meeting tonight til one in the morning..."
"Oh,okay,umm,where will I stay?"
"Oh,about that,I already talked to Lindsay if you can stay there first and she said yes,don't worry,you'll just stay there for one night,your father and Antha are still stuck with their plans."
"Oh okay,no worries..Bye!Love you!"
"Bye,see you tomorrow!Be there by eight in the morning!Love you!"

Their conversation ended and Lindsay told Ela she could stay with the girls in the one room where they sleep.

"Hey!I heard Chloe talking to her friend on her phone!I think she's planning somethin really bad!"Grace exclaimed at Anne.
"What?No,maybe you just misunderstood."Anne said.
"Oh my gosh,Carl was right you don't believe that Chloe's mean!"
Anne scoffed,"Of course not,she seems like a nice girl."
"Ugh,I think I'm wasting my time here."Grace said being annoyed

"Psssst!Come here!"Tanya whispered at Grace as quiet as she can.
"What now?"Grace said as they both talked whispering.
"I believe you and Carl!I saw Chloe the meanie rolling her eyes when she saw Hannah being happier when she opened the gift she got from Ela."
"Okay,good,at least I've got proof with you."

Ela entered the girls' room with Lindsay,Carl didn't know about this til midnight-ish.He was really tired that he slept not wearing his sleeping clothes.

"Hey!Whatcha doing this late here?"Hannah asked curiously.
"She's staying here for one night,Hannah."Anne replied.
"Cool!You can sleep here in this extra bed in our room,our cousin usually stays with us every summer and she sleeps here so since she isn't here yet,you can sleep here first."
"Yup!Just like what Mrs.Moore had told me earlier."
"Mkay,well,goodnight everyone!"Anne said.

A few hours passed and Carl woke up remembering that he promised his sisters that they would have a movie marathon that night.He hurried and changed into his sleeping clothes an walked to his sisters' room.

"Pssst,hey,hey!Anne!Wake up!Hannah!Grace and Tany--,what is-.Is that-??Psst,hey Hannah,is that Ela sleeping in Andee's bed?"
"Huh?Oh y-yeah,she's staying her for one night,well keep quiet,everyone's tight asleep in this
"What?Okay.Hey,I promised that we would all have a movie marathon.What movie do you wanna watch?Got some horror right now."
"Okay,great,you woke up everyone in this room,well except for Ela,seems like she's still snoring."
"HAHAHAHAHA!"Tanya said loudly that she woke up Ela.
"Great!Just in time!"
"W-what's happening?"
"Carl's here!We're gonna watch a horror movie!"Grace exclaimed with her hair messed up.

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