Chapter 19-I Smell Trouble!:Part 2

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When you enter the girls' room,there are two beds on the right side which were Tanya's and Grace's.On the other side were three beds,which were Hannah's,Anne's and the extra bed where Ela slept.

There,in the middle was the TV,it was a flatscreen on a table.In each corner of the room were the drawers of the girls.

They decided to watch
The Scissoring.
(yup,I know,from Victorious...)

"Hey,why won't you come join us,Ela?"Tanya asked with her "just-woke-up voice" with all her siblings agreeing.
"Umm,yeah!Sure!"Ela replied shyly.
It was 2:48am on the clock.
The movie was really terrifying as the title sounds.Carl was trying not to look scared because he knew Ela was there and wanted to act like a man.While Grace and Tanya were covering their ears because they think the creepy girl will also haunt them too!
Anne,Hannah,Carl and Ela were concentrating on how the story of the movie goes.Same thing goes with how they eat the biscuits.It was a tub full of biscuits.

The movie finally ended and they planned to watch one more movie,this time,not scary,not horror,and not creepy at all but they were all too sleepy to watch.

Everyone went back to bed and Carl went back to his room to sleep.But before he did that,Tanya caught him staring at Ela for about a good minute while she was sleeping.The young Tanya sensed something about her brother and wanted to ask about it the next day.

The next day it is,and Ela and the siblings,including their parents were already eating breakfast.Ela felt like it was awkward because first,she slept in their house,second,she watched a movie with Anne,Hannah,Carl,Tanya and Grace,and now she's eating breeakfast with them!About seven minutes after they were done eating,Minda finally arrived.

"Thanks for letting Ela stay!"Minda thanked the Moores.
"Sure!No prob!"Lindsay said with her husband,Mason waving at them.
"Bye!","Bye,Ela!",and "See you!" were the words that Minda and Ela heard from the siblings.

For about five minutes,they were stuck in traffic and finally got home.

On the other side,Chloe was done prepping for the day and just waited for Betsy.Then she came five minutes late on the time Chloe told her.

"Hey,girl!I'm here!"she said when Chloe opened the door.
"YOU'RE LATE!"Chloe said as they were both climbing up the stairs.Her room was definitely bigger than Carl's and the girls' room joined together.

Chloe and Betsy exchanging conversations with each other:

"So?Why'd you call me?"Betsy asked while brushing her
"very-tangled" hair when it isn't really tangled because she brushes her hair twenty times a day!
"What do you think of me and Carl?"
"Hmmmm...I think that Carl is smart and handsome and're smart and pretty!"
"No no no no no!I mean,what do you think of Carl and me being friends and close and all...."
"Ohhh,that kind of "what do you think of Carl and me"...."
"I think you guys are guhRATE for each other,I mean like,there's no one else,right?"
"Hmm,there's a bit of a conflict with that,and YES there is this other girl.Well,not that I think they're together BUT I wanna be closer to Carl than that stupid,weirdo,and loser Ela."
Betsy gasped,"O to the M to the G!Who is she?"
"Well,not sure for now but I think she's a friend of Hannah and Anne?"
"Guessing from their school?"
"Hmph,there's only ONLY one way to find out...."

Chloe grabbed her phone,and asked Carl,

hey!goodmorning!❤just ela from your sisters' school?

"What'd you just do?!"Betsy asked,freaked out.
"Just did something I needed to
"No way!Show me!"

Chloe showed what she asked Carl on her phone.

"Oh,you mean you just ASKED something you needed to ASK."
"I DON'T care at ALL!"Chloe exclaimed while she was looking for a dress in her closet.

Carl recieved Chloe's message and replied,
"yup,from Hannah and Anne's school"

He was just so curious on why she would ask that kind of question.Tanya suddenly asked,
"Hey!Carlllieeee!Do you like Ela?"
"Yeah!.... I mean what?No!"
"You sureeee?"
"Yes!And my name is not Carlllieeee,alright?"
Tanya burst her laugh because of how Carl pronounced "Carlllieeee"
with her very girly voice.
Carl decided to not admit that he does like Ela because Tanya would tell Grace equals they would tease him with Ela and he doesn't want Ela to know YET and he thought that it would be very awkward.

"Great!He finally replied!"Chloe yelped with excitement.
"Well,yeah!After three freaking
minutes!"Betsy said with a negative voice.
"Yeah,right,but,well,who cares?"

Chloe read Carl's message:

hey!goodmorning!❤just ela from your sisters' school?

yup,from Hannah and Anne's school

"Okay,what now?"Betsy said.

oh okiee!thanks!😆

At this point,Chloe can't believe she just had her first ever conversation with Carl.

"What's up with Chloe?????"Carl was very confused on why would Chloe ask such a thing.
"....oh no,no,no!"he just got the idea on what Chloe was planning.

Ela was still sleeping because she got very exhausted from yesterday.

"Elaaaaa!Ela!"Antha said waking up her sister;Ela finally woke up.
"Huh--uh what?"Ela said as she got out of her bed.
"Finally!You're awake!"
"Ahhh,I missed you,Anthaaaa!"she greeted her sister with a hug.

Ela ate breakfast again because she got hungry but with her family this time.Meanwhile,Chloe sent a message to Ela saying,:

hey,Ela!how are you?got your number from last night,remember!?well,hope you can come to my house saturday next week?say 4pm?thanks!u can bring a friend!

                      Chloe Martin

Oh,umm yeah!i remember...sure!I'll bring a friend!:)

"Great!She finally replied!"Chloe exclaimed with her evil-like smile.
"Yayyy!"Betsy said,
"....wait,who replied?"
"Ugh,Ela, what's with you today?"
"Ummm,nothing?Except what's with me today??Me being pretty!!"
"Yas girl!"Chloe said with a failing high-five with Betsy and didn't care if the high-five failed.

                     Ela Moore👹

hey,Ela!how are you?got your number from last night,remember!?well hope you can come to my house saturday next week?say 4pm?thanks!u can bring a friend!

Oh,umm yeah!i remember...sure I'll bring a friend!:)

umm,k great!thanks!

Ela already slept since it's Monday tomorrow=SCHOOL!Carl and Chloe don't have classes anymore and it's finally their long awaited,SUMMER!

It's already Monday,both sisters got up very early to make sure they aren't gonna be late for the service this time.It's 6:50am and they got in the service already and drove off to school.

"Ugh school again!Anotha
week full of plans...."Maddie sighed.
"Yup!Hope this week won't be rough!"Ela said carrying her bag while Antha went straight to her classroom.

"HEY!ELA!Someone is in the classroom and said that  their your friend!"Lilia said with her very tired voice from running down.

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