Chapter 30-The Set Up:Part 1

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The three of them were still at the smoothie place.Including,um,James.
He finished ordering and when he did, Maddie looked so done.After that,she cleaned the tables where customers left after eating.The last table she cleaned was the one beside Ela and Carl's.

"Oh how are you and Nick?"Ela asked Maddie.

"We are okay,why?"Maddie replied.

"C'mon there must be something romantic between you two."Carl teased.

"For the last time,no!”she just snapped.

"Oh by the way,I saw how Nick saved you from that fast truck that was about to hit you."Ela just lost it.She screamed with excitement because of what Carl just said.

"Did they hug?"Ela asked with her "in-love-look-in-her-face".

"Yup."he replied while smiling at Ela.She just stared into his eyes and smiled back.

"Awww!"and from that they both noticed Maddie turned red.So she walked away from them.

Maddie stopped talking because she's starting to get distracted from her work.

"Speaking of Nick,do you notice anything weird with him?"Ela whispered at Carl.


"Um, because after Maddie had her shift yesterday,she went over at my house and since then,there was this very important paper of mine that was missing.And when I asked her about it a while ago,she seemed nervous and she kept stuttering and avoid my eyes when I talk to her."

"Oh um I don't know about that.But Nick also went over at my house again last night.Even if we had that sleepover and hangout literally recently."

"Is there anything missing from your things?"

"I haven't noticed anything unusual.Why are you asking these questions."

"Wait a second, remember when I got a text from Maddie last Monday?She told us to meet Nick and her at the Food Court which means they might've been together all those time!"Ela said.

"Yeah,you have a point there.I-I'll check if there's something missing with my things."

"What do you think they're up to?"Ela asked,sipping the last boba she had.

"What if they do like each other?!"they both said at the same time.

"Y-yeah!We should probably do something, right?"Carl said.

"Hmmm,right."and they both glared at Maddie who was just at the counter.

They both talked for a while to plan something for their friends.They had to keep it quiet as much as possible because Maddie was there.

Hannah asked Maddie if she could talk about something with her.

"Hey,Maddie?Can we talk about something?"Hannah asked while washing the dishes.

"U-um,yeah.What is it?"Maddie sounded like she was in trouble.But all Hannah wanted to say is something far from what Maddie would worry about.In fact,it would make her scream.Well,scream again.

"My brother likes someone,you know."she said smiling at Maddie.

"Oh,um wow.Is it?"

"Seriously? You're very close with her and you guys hangout like almost everyday."

Maddie's eyes widened,"Is it Ela?!"

"Well, congrats,you just won a million dollars."

"W-what?No way!She likes-"

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