Chapter 23-Burning Guac On My Mom's Oven

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Anica replied with a face looking like an answer like yes.

Maddie is mindblocked because her friend's secret is already out!It's now up to Hannah if she'll tell anyone,specifically Carl.

Everything was in its normal routine;Ela,her sister and classmates went on their service on the way home,they did their homeworks,used social media.

The night arrived when Ela's phone buzzed.
It was Maddie:

Hey ela,I have to tell you something...

What is it??

I'm not sure if you'll like it but....😬😬


Hannah heard what we talking about in the washroom at school earlier...

Ummm,okay first of all...

Idk,remember i just went back to the washroom to gwt tissue?


Then while i was getting tissue,she suddenly went out of one of the cubicles and said hi to me and in her face,it looked like she heard what we were talking about!Especially about Carl..

Okokokok,can we just not talk about this right now??

Uhh okay??
How abt tmrw??


"Oh my holy guacamole that's burning on my mom's oven!D-did Hannah tell it to Carl?W-what now?No no no no no no..."Ela talked to herself as she laid in bed thinking about how everything happened.

"I-is everything alright there?"
her sister asked,peeking through her books.
"Um,yeah!Obviously!I'm alrighty!"Ela replied sarcastically of course.

"Mhmm....Mom's guac from dinner was good tho!"
"Seriously?!"Ela said with an annoyed face.

Anne,Hannah,along with their twin sisters just got home from school.And Carl?Yes,he is home.In his room playing sports video games.

"I'll go and get some snacks in the kitchen."he said as he paused his game.

"Oh hey there guys!How was school?"he asked his sisters.

"School was awful!"
"Yeah!",the twins said with a frown.He just laughed it off remembering that's the way he acted before too.

"School is school,I guess.."Anne said stubbornly with her deep eye bags from researching for her research papers.
"Hmmm,let me tell you something about school,brother!"Hannah said with her face that displayed a holiday smile.

"What is it now?"he asked while munching on the doughnut he got from the box.

"You won't believe it!"Hannah said optimistically.

"Won't believe what?"

"Come on.I heard somethung from Ela and Maddie when I was in the washroom!"

"Ww-what's it now!"he exclaimed,almost spitted the doughnut piece out of his mouth.

"I heard that she likes you back."

"WHAT?How?Ho-how did she say it?Are you pranking me now?"

"Well,she didn't say anything and stop,I'm not messing with you BUT you know what Maddie said?"


Hannah cleared her throat as if preparing for the ultimate lip sync battle,
"Do you think Carl likes you back?"

"Ummm okay????"
"...wait a sec,likes me BACK?"

"Yup,exactly what I thought in the first place..."

"Well um okay that was a school related thing..."

Oh yes,it sure is.Young man continued playing his video game but kept thinking about what his sister said until it came to the point he stopped playing and was about to text Ela.

Ela's phone buzzed and received a notification from her school's official page that posted about the official summer activities this year.

"Hmm,let me see that."
She clicked on the notification and scrolled through the captions.

"Oh!Ms.Antonio didn't mention this earlier...Football?Isn't this soccer??"she said.

"Football is also a new sport activity added for this year's summer!Join the fun with football club this summer now!

You may contact coach Will Moore at 0856-259-8645"

"Ohhhh!This seems fun!
I wanna join!"
"....but his name somewhat sounds familiar..."

Ela closed her phone and planned to ask her parents about joining and contacting the football coach to join this summer.

🔴the number for Will Moore used in this story is FAKE don't try to call it for your own safety.posted number in this story was just for its own purpose

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