Chapter 25-Tests,Smoothies and a Party:Part 1

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Ela is just relieved that she submitted her project.And good thing, it's the last day of school the next day.
One last push until summer starts again.

"Ugh did they really do this on purpose?"Ela asked.

"Umm,do what?"Maddie asked in confusion.

"Save math for the last day of exams and school?"

"Is there a problem?Math is my favorite subject...well not really but I find it easier now that I work as a cashier lady in a smoothie place."Maddie winked.

"Oh yeah."Ela blushed.

"Anyway,see you later there at the smoothie shop.We're going to partyyy!"

"Oh yeah!Right,my mom will drive us to their house."


The bell rang and it's time to use Ela's brain.Time to math everything up.
She isn't the best at that subject but she's been trying to do her best.

"Here goes nothing,I hope I studied enough for this test."

Two hours passed and it's finally summer!Ela grabbed her bag and skipped on her way out to the door.

"Maddie! IT'S FINALLY-"

"SUMMER!" they both exclaimed.

"Okay so for today's plan,I get home for the perfect outfit I planned,and you go on to your shift for today first.Get all those school-stress out of yourself."

"And you meet me at the smoothie place.After my shift."

"I'm kinda nervous to go to Carl's party tho, I'm gonna see him again after a long time."

"Yeah,I also didn't expect for him to invite us and also,I don't really know what the party is for but let's hope that Chloe's there so I can finally roast her after everything she did to you."

"Hahahaha,well let's just hope for the best."


"Mhm.See ya!"they both waved at at each other as they both walked on their own paths.

It was a really short day at school because everyone just took their final exams for the school year.The time has finally come for rest and fun for everyone.Including Ela and Maddie going to Carl's party-that's-unknown-why-he-invited-people.

Ela rang the doorbell at her house.

"It's finally summer!"Antha opened the gate running inside into their backyard with her friends over.

"Seriously?My sister is really going nuts."Ela thought.

"Hey, you have snacks over there at the dining area."her mom greeted her.

"Thanks Mom....oh um Hannah's brother invited Maddie and I over,they have a party."

"Hmm, what's the name of her brother again?Calvin?"

"It's Carl,so can you drive us?"

"What's the party for?Summer party?"

"I honestly don't know,I guess I'll find out later if you drive us."

"Yeah you can go,hmm just be careful with guys."

"Okay thanks,but seriously?Guys,I'm not a professional at guys so don't even think about it."she replied going upstairs having three hours left for rest and to prepare for the party.

She texts Maddie to see what she's already up to at the smoothie place.

"Hey,so what's up?"

"Um,I have a few more hours until I finish my shift,then you can come over to pick me up.I have to tell you something!"

"Sure.What are you going to tell me?"

"Secret,but I'm sure it's something that would want to make you try out for a summer job here."

"Um,okay.Well see you later."

Maddie ended the call and continued with her shift.

"Now,I have to take orders from costumers."Maddie sighed.

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