Chapter 5-What Would It Be?

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Ela was freaking out and worried because she told a few of her friends her "secret" secret.

**after their club time

It's finally lunch time and Anica is busy practicing her dance so Lia,Mari,and Ela just ate on their own.After eating,Ela went to Maddie's seat where a she is eating her all-time favorite food......hotdog.

"Hi!I'm so excited to go home later so that I could stalk him,I know it is very weird to tell you that but its what I would do,heh."Ela said panting because her heart was beating so fast that she felt like she saw Carl again.
"Umm,okay?Goodluck with that stalkeroo thinggy majiger.Oh and uhhh goodluck too with seeing him during your  team party,look,I might go but I'm not yet sure but I hope I can go."replied Maddie.

*dismissal time

After classes this day,Ela,Antha,Ela's younger sister,and Maddie went waiting for their service.Sitting om the bench,using their phones were their typical routine.As much as Ela wanted to talk about Carl,she couldn't because her sister was there,and if Antha knew about the whole crush thing,she would annoy her sister allllll the time and if she doesn't do.anything she wants Ela to do,she would always promiese to tell their parents about the crush thing.As one of Antha's friends passed by,Ruby Gold,Antha went with her because she seemed too bored just sitting in the bench.And for Maddie and Ela,Ela finally talked about Carl.After a minute,they had to stop talking about him because as the high school bell rings,all high school students went rushing out of their classrooms like water.Then,they noticed all four sisters of Carl,walking down the hall way,nearing the lockers.As they passed by the bench,Ela's heart was thumping because she didn't know what to do.

"Hey!What's going on with you,Ela?"whispered Maddie.
"Uhh nothing,its just that the sisters passed by us."replied Ela."Okayyyy,you're over-reacting with this whole crush thing.

**Ela reaches home with her sister

Went down the car they go on the way to the gate of their house,their mom was there,waiting for them to go inside.
"Hey,you have your snacks here in the kitchen."as Mom walked inside the house and stopped as the sisters kissed their Mom in her cheeks."Okay,we'll just change into our "house clothes"."said Antha placing her school ID on the door knob with her sister's.

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