Chapter 12-You Are Invited

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P.E is finally done.Everyone has changed into their plaid skirt uniform;and it's recess already.

"Lia,Ela,Mari,go with me to the canteen okayyy?"
Anica asked hungrily.
"Yeah okay,okay you always let us go with you..."Lia said with Mari laughing because it's super true.
"Okay sure sure."Ela confirmed.

As they went to the canteen,Hannah is with her friend,Jennifer both sitting on the black foldable chair while their arms on the silver colored table.

"Um,hey,Jennifer,since my.birthday is in a week,I'm inviting you.of course!"
"Cool!Haha,thanks."Jennifer replied with a smile.
"Oh hey,that's her!Excuse me Jen,I'll just have to go talk to Ela."Hannah said going up the seat and walking towards Ela as Jenimnifer approved.

"Ela!Ela!"Hannah said walking towards her.
"Oh-uh--Hi!"Ela said talking nervously,"So umm,my siblings and I decided that you go to my birthday!It's a week from now!"Hannah said.
"Oh-su---sure!Great,thanks!What time and where is it?"Ela asked while not trying to shake.
"Oh,it's just in my house from one thirty pm until six thirty pm.Here's the address of my house."Hannah answered giving a piece of pad paper containing her house address:

Block 28 Lot 13C,Oakwood Street,Greenhills Subdivision,Quezon City

"That was quick,I think they know that you like Carl and Carl likes you too,huh?"Mari said.
"Uhhh I don't know if he does and I won't expect it first but if he really does like me back then I don't know what to
say."Ela said.
"Goodluck!"Lia and Amica both exclaimed.
"Okay,okay,I appreciate your help or any sort of those things but,can we just buy our food already?I'm starving"Ela said as her stomach growled.
"Yeah,good point."Anica said handing out her money to the girl in the canteen who's selling shawarma.

"Finally!That good taste of shawarma and its beef!!Mmhhmm!"Anica said savoring its taste.
"Okay,stop making us water our mouth in here,we've got to go back in our classroom and we also need to eat..."Mari said.

As they all ate,Ela went to Maddie's table while eating of course and showed her the piece of pad paper that was given to her containing the Moore's home address.

"Hey,what do you think?Should I come?"Ela asked terrifically.
"What is THAT?"Maddie asked.
"An address..."Ela answered,
"Who's addre--OH MY GLOB!Is it--?"Maddie replied while in shock.
"Yes,yes,it is what you think.His sister,Hannah invited me to her birthday,it's a week away from now...She saw me at the canteen a while ago and told me about her birthday party."Ela smiling(again).


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