Chapter 29-The Written Poem

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That day,Monday was fun.But as for Ela and Carl it was a but traumatizing.And whatever happened in the elevator, made Ela not ride an elevator ever again.

Everything is now back to normal.No hangouts yet.Maddie now goes to her morning shift at the smoothie shop called Love Smoothie.

Ela burst into the shop with excitement and rushed to Maddie.

"Maddie!"she exclaimed.

"What?But first breathe."Maddie said calming Ela down.

"I-I-I..."Ela said while panting and calming herself down.

"You-you-you?"Maddie said while putting on a new roll of the receipt paper.

"Nothing,I just went to the park and saw you,so I just wanted to say hi."

"Okay,bye!"Maddie said.It was a very busy day.

"Hey,not cool."Ela frowned.
Maddie giggled and they both talked about some girl stuff.Not to mention about the hangout yesterday.

"Oh by the way,do you remember James?"Ela asked the question out of nowhere.


"Well he and his friends are coming today for a celebration.Do you mind if you can give them a treat?"

Maddie looked scared but she asked what treat to serve anyway.

"Oh you know,stuff for free."

Maddie's boss suddenly walked up to them and said,"I am sorry Ela but Maddie cannot give anything free to costumers I don't know."

"Oh,I'm sorry.I didn't know."she apologized.

"Maddie you need to do the night shift today."her boss said.

"W-what?I thought I only had to do morning shifts?"

"Well Bianca had to cancel today.So you're doing the night shift wether you like it or not."
Maddie looked worried but Ela didn't mind.She thought that it might just be stress from all the work that day.

Ela passed by Carl when she left and waved at him.Carl made a startled face when he remembered what happened at the mall.Ela laughed and left the shop.

Hours passed by and Ela got a text from Maddie if she could come over.

hey can i come after my shift here?

sure i'll just be staying home anyway

While waiting for Maddie,Ela just took a bath.After all, it's a hot summer day.She also decided to make things neat and organized in her room.

After fixing and organizing her room she found the poem she wrote that was about Carl.

She found it on the floor which was in front of her mirror.She smiled at it when she stood up from getting it.Remembering her moments with Carl everytime that they were hanging out or just talking.Her smile on her face reflected on the mirror and her chinky round eyes looked very full of happiness.She left the poem which was written on a piece of paper.

She hears Maddie knocking at their door and kept the poem at one of her drawers which was filled with old homework and tests.

"Hey Maddie.Why did you decide to come here?"

"Oh um,nothing.I just wanted to stay here first before I go home.My parents aren't home anyway."she said,while planning how she'll get something important from Ela.

"Oh okay,well how was your work today?"

"It's a bit busier than the other days.I'm just glad Carl took the night shift for me."

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